
Really slow first weekend here. Didn't talk to too many people who did worth a damn. Have some weather pushing in and reports of a lot of birds moving. Hopefully this weekend will be better.
Hit the public field last Friday and it was pretty slow. Shot 7. Got my field next to the house put out a little later so hunted it for the first time this weekend. Shot 5 yesterday morning hunting for about an hour before my daughter's soccer game. Finally sat down for a real hunt this afternoon and got my limit over 2.5 hours. We do pretty good on our little half acre field
Got out for an afternoon shoot last week with some friends. It took me about 2 hours to get a limit. Birds were flying in small groups pretty consistently through the evening starting about 5:00. It's a heck of a good way to spend an afternoon.
My son and I were able to break away this morning and had a good shoot. Just shy of a limit, but he ran out of shells for his 20g. Pretty sure he won’t make that mistake again!