Dog issue…

I’m leaning toward antibiotics and see if she gets better or worse in 24 hours.

Anybody have a trick to getting pills down a dogs throat? I’ve had mediocre luck shoving a pill as far I can down her throat then lifting her head up and massaging her neck.
I use liverwurst or braunschweiger from the regular lunch meat section at the grocery store. Farmer John, John Morrell, or whatever brand that is in a soft tube, etc.

It only costs a couple of bucks and lasts a long time in the fridge. Just scoop a few chunks out of the pack and roll them into balls about grape size. Shove your pill in one...give it to your dog first with a second piece in hand right at their nose.
They will swallow the first piece to get to the second piece...and love the smell.
Could be pancreatitus. Some dogs don't tolerate fat or carbs well, and it doesn't take a lot.

They will quit eating, eat grass, and ultimately start throwing up.

It will kill them if not treated. Vet will likely give anti biotics, fluids and put the pup on low fat dog food.
No eartng for 24-48 hours. then light foods... rice, chicken breast.

It may or may not be. They can do an ultra sound and see.

My love of my life ( for a pup) just passed two months ago from it. She had it a few times but this time she never recovered.

She was about 5-6 before she got it the first time.
Stop trying to force antibiotics on an empty stomach.

I’ve had dogs eat socks and stuff they either threw them up or pooped them out. Even a dog with a bad tummy ache will usually eat a mix of rice, pumpkin and bread.

I’d get her into the vet and have her checked out. It sounds like an obstruction to me.
I've always been the guy to wait it out and my dogs have always been fine, probably just been lucky. My son just lost a great 6 year old yellow lab, smartest dog ever he was a damn good boy and it hurt me pretty good seeing him go. Waited too long to get him to the vet, couldn't stop the infection and spread to his spine, spent the last 5 days of his life in the ER mostly paralyzed laying on his side. Please take your dog to the ER, it's money well spent for peace of mind.
I have an 8 year old GSP, and she goes through times where she won't eat much and acts tired also. It usually last about a month or so then she's back to begging for food. Seems to happen about twice a year or so. When it get hot out, summer kicks in seems to be the when I remember for sure, evey year.
Dog got diagnosed with addisons disease. Effing nightmare and she’s now a very valuable dog. 🤦🏻‍♂️
I had a dog with Addisons. Look up a research paper out of MSU on dosage amount for treatment. I went ahead and gave it a try and my dog did real well until lung cancer got her☹️
I had a dog with Addisons. Look up a research paper out of MSU on dosage amount for treatment. I went ahead and gave it a try and my dog did real well until lung cancer got her☹️
Yeah we’re fully committed at this point. The wife and kids wouldn’t have it any other way and I’m happy if they’re happy.
Once I got dosage and treatment down and on schedule my dog did real well I don’t regret the extra years we got with her. I think the hardest part was figuring out that’s what she had.IMG_0729.jpeg