Does it bother you?

Jun 21, 2019
Consumers ultimately determine prices via their decisions to buy or not buy. Judging by the amount of out of stock and backordered ammo on Midway's website, plenty of folks are wiling to buy at current prices.


Feb 27, 2012
Colorado Springs
Of course if this is true then I don’t have a gripe.
So manufacturers can raise prices and you're OK with that, but when anyone else does it, it wads up your panties????

When left to its own, the free market is a very efficient mechanism. People can choose which retailers they use, and if a retailer is out of line market-wise......they'll have to drop their prices or go out of business.

Just wait until there's a federal $15/hour minimum wage........then watch the prices skyrocket. Local restaurants raised their prices by about $2/meal this last year.......they had to because of the rise in state mandated minimum wages. We're just one family, but we choose to not pay those increased prices. The more regulations are forced into the free market, the less that it's a free market and will force businesses to close.
Nov 16, 2017
Central Oregon
You could say this for any company. Are Walmart, Costco, etc raising prices? Midway is the only one I’ve seen that the pricing is higher. Check out their pricing vs other online sellers, they’re significantly higher across the board and higher than they were 6 weeks ago.
Yeah I mean it does but not really. If you can even get it for any price your lucky.
Tariffs with China yeah stuff is going high.

Every time I check out a bag of groceries I look bag into the sad plastic bag and think there is no way that $25 bucks.

And I went to grab some new work jeans the other day. Holly heck what happened to $25 key jeans.
I can tell you what I'm gonna have to fight my gluttony and start making things last long cause I can't afford this life 😆
Nov 16, 2017
Central Oregon
So manufacturers can raise prices and you're OK with that, but when anyone else does it, it wads up your panties????

When left to its own, the free market is a very efficient mechanism. People can choose which retailers they use, and if a retailer is out of line market-wise......they'll have to drop their prices or go out of business.

Just wait until there's a federal $15/hour minimum wage........then watch the prices skyrocket. Local restaurants raised their prices by about $2/meal this last year.......they had to because of the rise in state mandated minimum wages. We're just one family, but we choose to not pay those increased prices. The more regulations are forced into the free market, the less that it's a free market and will force businesses to close.
Yeah you know how many people are getting layed off when they raise it to $15

Well id expect the tax rate on blue collar to go to about 50%
Idk how else there gonna pay for the stimulus checks and all the unemployment $15 min wage is gonna cause.


Feb 27, 2012
Colorado Springs
Bad economic policy is a vicious cycle. I don't see any easy ways out of this debt mess. I guess they think they can just declare bankruptcy for the nation and start over fresh and new without any consequences. I mean gosh, isn't that the American way. A wheel barrel full of money won't be worth squat soon.


Sep 19, 2018
Nixa, Missouri
Would like to add that the state of Missouri has also had a mandated minimum wage increase that went into effect the first day of January. It is now $10.30 an hour. Don't know if that will have much of an affect on Midway, but, I doubt every employee they have working in the showroom as well as the back in the warehouse was making that??
Not that I like or agree with the increase in the cost of goods, but when things like this happen that a lot of people think it is all good for the economy, they really miss the big picture!!


Nov 6, 2014
Commodity prices are through the roof. The dollar is down dramatically. Minimum wage is going up. Numbers of affluent shooters is up. There is no factor that does not point to a large increase in ammunition and components prices.
Look at 1 year charts of copper or anything else(corn even). The term new normal is used a lot but that is where we are at. Do you the dollar going up?


Dec 15, 2015
Raw materials r going up, across the world. I would expect to see increases in a lot of products that u buy.


Jan 24, 2015
So manufacturers can raise prices and you're OK with that, but when anyone else does it, it wads up your panties????

When left to its own, the free market is a very efficient mechanism. People can choose which retailers they use, and if a retailer is out of line market-wise......they'll have to drop their prices or go out of business.

Just wait until there's a federal $15/hour minimum wage........then watch the prices skyrocket. Local restaurants raised their prices by about $2/meal this last year.......they had to because of the rise in state mandated minimum wages. We're just one family, but we choose to not pay those increased prices. The more regulations are forced into the free market, the less that it's a free market and will force businesses to close.
I wouldn’t have an issue with midway specifically raising prices if they’re wholesale costs increased.
Nov 16, 2017
Central Oregon
I actually found a couple boxes of 6.5 at sportsman's a month ago.
Seems like it has went up bout $5 box there too

Only thing you can do is not buy it. Hope enough others don't buy it and there forced to lower to clear out inventory.


Apr 4, 2018
I'm fine with price increase as long as it goes to overtime, better service, selection, etc...


Jan 1, 2019
Companies could be incurring more cost trying to keep up with orders and all the work that comes after an order is places. They used to get inventory and sell it over a matter of weeks. Now it sells 30 seconds after the item says “In stock”. MidSouthShootersSupply‘s website literally crashed off and on for two hours straight last week when they got a shipment of primers in stock. If you called them they said call volume was so high they couldn’t take the call and then disconnected it. Vance Outdoors quit taking online orders and ship to store orders because their retail stores are so busy and checkout lines are so long they don’t have staff to keep up with the demand. Graf & Sons have a message on the site saying they are 15-18 business days behind on processing orders. So basically you put an order in and it is that long before someone can even look at it to process it. In thsir case the inventory was there, they just didn’t have anyone to put it in a box and ship it. In contrast, I put an order in this morning at Midway and already received a confirmation this evening it had shipped. So my guess is Midway has hired additional staff to keep up with demand and shipping. That has to cost them more. Not to mention the complications they are dealing due to COVID. Its must be a mad house for these companies.

All that said, I don’t know. Maybe there is some price gouging taking place. I bought some bullets a month ago from midsouth at 9.5cents a piece. Same bullets are back in stock there now selling for 13cents a piece. But my guess is, for the most part, these companies are experiencing increased costs to keep up with the insatiable demand taking place and adjusting prices for it. Overtime, additional employees, more materials, COVID costs, etc. They are not necessarily selling more product. They are just selling two weeks or a months worth in a matter of minutes. Then they wait with no product to sell until more inventory arrives. That’s why everything is showing out of stock all the time. And it literally sells within minutes when it comes back in stock

The CEO of Federal posted a video recently addressing some of the complaints and rumors circulating about the ammo shortages. He said they are producing and shipping ammo at a rate they’ve never experienced before and still can’t keep up. He put it this way, 7 million new gun owners and if they all buy two boxes of ammo each...well do the math on how many more bullets that is to make and the components needed to make them. And that is only part of the craziness adding to it all. Reactions to COVID, riots, a very anti-2A administration with full control of congress. It’s the toilet paper crisis on steroids.

Its easy to go conspiracy theory on this. But in the end I think the reasons for price increases are more straight forward than any of that.
The CEO of Federal also forget to Mention that During Remington's Bankruptcy not so long ago, Federal or "ATK" Bought out Remington's Ammo Division, the
whole Line!!!


Classified Approved
Jan 18, 2021
Commodity prices are through the roof. The dollar is down dramatically. Minimum wage is going up. Numbers of affluent shooters is up. There is no factor that does not point to a large increase in ammunition and components prices.
Look at 1 year charts of copper or anything else(corn even). The term new normal is used a lot but that is where we are at. Do you the dollar going up?
I was able to get 7.62 early this year for 280$ for a 1000 rounds now I can barely find it for lower than 400$. I have been looking for 5.45 and can’t find anything.
Nov 16, 2017
Central Oregon
I was able to get 7.62 early this year for 280$ for a 1000 rounds now I can barely find it for lower than 400$. I have been looking for 5.45 and can’t find anything.


Jul 4, 2017
Where I’m at if you aren’t outside the sporting good store 1.5hrs before they open you aren’t getting any ammo unless it’s hunting rounds (since deer season is over). Got some .243 and .45 colt 20 minutes after they opened. Can find handgun ammo 9mm FMJ for $1 a round at gun stores which is why they aren’t moving as much as big box sporting good stores.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Jan 20, 2020
The CEO of Vista Outdoors (Federal and now Remington) laid it out in their last earnings call:

"And what we've been fortunate to be able to do is as our commodity input costs have increased, most notably copper, as well as our overtime rates with our factory workers to support the increased demand as well as some just general inefficiencies as we're producing flat out, we've been in a position where we've been able to pass that along to our customers, who, in turn, then have passed that along to consumer."

So there you have it: they are charging their customers (i.e. Midway) more who in turn charge us more.


Nov 15, 2020
They also have to deal with lower supply. They can't sell products they don't have, so they'll need to raise prices a little to make the same amount of money as before.