Does anyone here have a recreational pilots license?


Jan 23, 2018
Does anyone here have a recreational pilots license? Or have you thought about getting one? Just for the reason of flying yourself and your loved ones around to cool places. I think it would be amazing to be able to explore places that you would never end up going without a pilots license. Not to mention the hunting opportunities it would open. It would make those out of state trips much easier without having to take an extra 2-3 days off for drive time. Then after many years of experience perhaps fly people around for some extra cash (I assume I would need a different type of license at that point).

I will admit, I have not researched this much other than the time and money involved to get a license. I knew a person in high school who had his pilots license before he had his drivers license. He flew all over the place and saw some cool things. My grandpa also had his pilots license when he was young.

It is something that has always been in the back of my mind. The things you could see must be mind blowing. I have always questioned if it would be a worthwhile effort however.


Dec 6, 2018
I do not have my pilots license, but I do have my A&P license (aircraft mechanic). And by “recreational” pilots license, I assume you mean your private pilots license. I have multiple friends who went and got their private pilots license after A&P school. From what I have gathered, it’s pretty time consuming. Obtaining your license goes off of flight hours (how much time you spend training). Even after you get your license, you have to log a certain number of hours a year to keep your license active. And you also have to test on different types of aircraft: single engine, twin engine, turbo prop, etc. and on top of all that, having your own aircraft is EXPENSIVE. Everything from fuel to the plane itself, to maintenance. Everything. It is a process, but I’ve never met anyone that got their pilot’s license and thought “nah, I don’t like it”. If you make it through and do get your license, you’ll love it. Especially since you love traveling and hunting. But I will warn you, bush pilots are a different breed. I am hoping you don’t think that becoming that good comes with 1-2 years of experience. It takes YEARS to accomplish their level of expertise. I’m not sure if that’s the route you’re looking to go, but just some advice. Good luck to you in whatever you do

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Dec 12, 2012
Casper, Wyoming
The company I work for has three private pilots. Their experience is ranging from commercial, military and bush pilot. Our bush pilot has some amazing stories. I have asked him a couple times about getting my pilots license. He has told me it is very very expensive and time consuming. If you have access to a plane already it isn’t so bad but if you have to rent one that is where it gets pricey. To maintain your license you have to have so much flight time. Not sure how much it is but I gave up on the idea due to cost. If no one here can answer I have no problem texting our pilots and asking any questions you have.


Oct 30, 2017
flying is a beautiful thing I enjoy it very much..started taking lessons to get my license bought a plane lessons became too time consuming and expensive.quit taking lessons and kept flying never looked back your not going to get pulled over up their,if you make a mistake your probably dead.just don't make a rookie mistake and run out of fuel!! best of luck


Jan 30, 2016
I’ve got mine. It’s the one hobby I enjoy more than hunting.

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Mar 12, 2018
I’m currently in flight school as that’s the profession I’m pursuing. There are a couple options for you, but I’d just recommend getting your private pilots license.

This will cost anywhere from 8-20k all depending on where you train and how fast and efficient you train. If you dedicated M-F to fly and or study you could get your license in a matter of a month or less. Realistically you’ll be looking at a 2-3 months.

As for bush flying, whew that’s a whole different world that would take months if not years of practice before you would feel comfortable getting in and out of right hunting areas.

As for hauling people around. You can do that as a private pilot, BUT you can’t charge them, and you’re supposed to all pay an equal share for the fuel etc. otherwise you’ll be looking st getting your commercial license(what I’m currently working on).

Renting a plane is anywhere from $60/hr to $400+/hr so keep that in mind. Buying a plane. Well you’re pretty committed at that point! Not trying to squish your hopes and dreams here!

One of my good buddies does many fly out hunts and I asked him why he never got his license and just cut the middle man out. His explanation went something along the lines of, “I’d rather just leave it up to the guys who fly hundreds of hours a year to get me in and out safely than to trust myself to confidently go into those places only flying maybe 30 hours a year.”

I love flying, my goal is to fly the big planes to affairs the little planes in my future life. Hope I’ve answered a few questions for ya, can clarify anything else if you’d like!

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Feb 6, 2017
I did some research last year on this and the cost was too much for me at the time. Nationwide the average cost for obtaining a private pilots certificate is around $12000. (Tri-gear prop, small airport) This includes equipment, ground school, and flight school. Buying a plane is not as expensive as it may seem; lots of us have spent more on a used truck than a plane can be found for. The upkeep and inspections are what can get expensive, not to mention fuel. The local flight school offers a cheap first flight/lesson. Something like $100 for a half hour in the air that you actually get to fly for part of. I'm sure a lot of places have something similar. It's an inexpensive way for them to make a little money and give people who don't know if they want to pursue a certificate a chance to give it a try. A couple good resources:


Oct 12, 2015
I’ve been flying for a living for the last 16 years. I agree with the comments above. It’s very rewarding and a lot of fun, but not cheap or practical (in most cases). Off-airport work takes years of practice to become proficient.

I’ve also known multiple people that have died flying a variety of mission profiles, so there is that aspect of it. The consequences for mistakes are very real in that environment.

Still, I recommend you give it a shot and see how you like it.


May 10, 2016
Not a pilot but looked into last year purely out of curiosity... Not really wanting to be a pilot but wanting to learn something new and set a reasonably attainable goal for myself. I've been too busy to pursue it but might someday.

I asked a good friend who is a flight instructor at a small airport as a side gig from being a commercial 737 pilot... He said that if you wanted it badly enough you could start from ground zero to a license in less than 30 days. Obviously, there is a cost and a medical evaluation but I guess it can be done. The cost is minimal for the training, flight time and lessons compared to the plane rental, fuel, etc. once you have your license. He quoted me about $10k all-in when I asked about it. That doesn't seem too bad to me for a baseline skill you can take with you considering all that goes into it. That's all I know about it, so take it for what its worth.


Mar 14, 2012
Winter Haven, FL
jd270win has the right idea - go take some lessons and see how you like it.

I've been flying for 35 years. other hobbies/pursuits have come and gone, flying and hunting have stayed. it is fun, challenging and rewarding. it also takes both time and monetary commitments to maintain proficiency and get some utility out of it. okay, utility may be a stretch, but it is very cool to fly away somewhere for a hunt, vacation or whatever floats your boat.


Jan 23, 2018
Thanks to everyone for your responses. Just the kind of feedback I was looking for. I kind of always figured it wouldn’t pencil out for me personally. Probably mostly because of the time involved to keep up with everything. Maybe someday in the future though when life slows down. Just kind of dreaming at this point.

Some lessons may be a great way to see what it’s all about. I may give that a go.
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Mar 28, 2019
NW Arkansas
My dad does flight instruction when he is not flying for American. I think total cost through him is about $8500 for your private license. Most people can't justify it, but its a whole heck of a lot of fun. I will say to beware of some flight schools. I can't name any specifically, but there are schools that don't properly prepare students for certain situations. My dad recently bought a PA-12 with PA-18 (Super Cub) upgrades. I've started practicing on some smaller back country strips in the Ozarks in AR and MO, but when you get into the real tight spaces you can start to have an appreciation for how dangerous real bush flying is. Views are always nice though.IMG-4560.JPGIMG-5009.JPGIMG-5023.JPG


Mar 13, 2017
North Pole
If you have that seed planted in your head it’s not going away. Just do it instead of making reasons why you can’t. It’s not cheap, but neither are most other worthwhile hobbies. It’s all about priorities. Just don’t buy that new truck/gun/computer/etc, and put that money towards flying.

I grew up around general aviation, but never thought about doing it myself because I had it in my head that it was too expensive. About a year ago I said the hell with it and went searching to buy my own plane and get a PPL. I just spent about an hour and a half flying my Taylorcraft today for about $20 in gas. It’s actually cheaper to operate per hour than my truck.