Why is archery season only 9 days where you are at?Locally in BC we have a 9 day archery deer (mule and whitetail, separate tags) season Sept 1-9. Then it is bowhunt in the gun season for the next 3 MONTHS. Ya, we don’t have hardly any decent bucks unless you have access to some exclusive private land.
Season structure way pre-dates my 14 years in BC so I do not have a definitive answer. But there is not an active bowhunters organization to lobby for bow seasons....way different than where I moved from in CO. And our 9 day Sept bow season also includes the youth rifle season. Crossbows are legal as well.Why is archery season only 9 days where you are at?
Yes, I bowhunted CO elk for 35 seasons, sometimes with the muzzleloaders for 9 days in mid-September if I hadn't already filled a tag. As a resident, I knew how to avoid them mostly and it wasn't an issue for me. But it was for many bowhunters.I’ve bowhunted during the muzzy elk season in Co and didn’t like it one bit