Do you believe in ghosts


Sep 26, 2017
Republic of Vancouver Island
I'm of the opinion that there is more going on than we can easily see.

On the subject of 3 year old, about 6 months ago, right around his 3rd birthday, started talking about "grandfather." We call his grandparents grandpa and poppa.
He told us that grandfather wasn't tall like daddy. Grandfather is dark, but not dark like Eli (a black kid in his daycare). Grandfather lives in a small house, but he has a barn for his horses. Grandfather wears a funny hat. I asked if grandfather had a wife, is there a grandmother there too? Nope. Just grandfather.

My mother's Grandfather (who she called grandfather), was a widower, was 5'6", Mexican, and had a small ranch down there.

We had a pitbull who died 2 years ago this April. He loved hiking, camping, being out at my shop. I have a coat that I leave in the backseat of my truck, beside where his truck bed was. When I wear it at work, it has no smell. When I wear it at the shop, or out in the bush, it smells strongly like dog. Doesn't make sense to me.


Aug 12, 2020
My dad always said we were imagining things and making it up. He wouldn’t even discuss it with us. That was until he saw the old man. He said he woke up three times each time it moved closer until it was touching him. He said it felt like his arm was completely dead asleep. After this he brought it up to us and asked why we were running up and down the stairs at night(my dad slept downstairs). Short story long I refused to go down in the basement at night unless I absolutely had to.

You couldn’t pay me to spend another night in that house.
Sleep paralysis often occurs in people with sleep apnea or other sleep disorders, I’ve gone through it a few periods in my life, it’s probably been at least ten years since my last episode. Basically you are in that in between wake and sleep mode and you are lucid dreaming. I’ve had it where I think there is a person or a dark mass in the room and I cannot move my body or speak or scream. Then at some point after what seems like an eternity you wake up and there is nothing there.
Jun 27, 2019
The Boot
I dont know if I believe in what weve created ghosts to be through movies, shows, etc. I also understand that either way I could be wrong.

What I do believe in is, energy from the past, if that makes any sense. I dont even know if thats a thing, and I honestly dont really even know how to describe it other that I know the feeling and its been the same in most of these places. But I have had experiences, on a few different continents, where I had this almost electric feeling being in historical sites, usually involving death one way or another. Almost nauseaous feeling. I have been to Auschwitz (easily the most heightened of that feeling I cant describe), Dachau, inside the Pyramids of Egypt, Gettysburg, sites of mass graves in 2 different countries while deployed and a handful of other places.

Ive never seen a 'ghost', but whatever that feeling is, its unique to those places. Perhaps its a mental manifestation of knowing the history. I just know its a very specific feeling that Ive only ever felt in those type places.


Aug 21, 2020
I use to be skeptic too until a few things happened to me.
Op, I assume grandma has passed. If your daughter said grandma was in her room I would tend to believe it. imo.

My dad past away before my daughter was born (but my son did get to meet him.) When my daughter was 2y/o she use to scream/ cry at night. (didn't happen with my son). My wife and I figures it was bad dreams. This occurred almost on a regular basis. wakes up the whole family. The next morning we would ask her about her screaming & crying, but she didn't remember any of it. This went on for months and I thought it could be bad spirts that was bothering her. So one day when my wife took the kids shopping with her.. I was home alone when I got frustrated with the thoughts of a bad sprit in my daughters room. so I went into her room and got so upset that my blood was boiling and I started yelling at the sprit.. cursing at it like a drunken sailor. That night and every night since my daughter slept quietly (she's a teenager now). I never told my wife or my kids that story, but looking back at it now I wonder if my dad had visited my daughter. But I don't know why my daughter would cry or scream because he loved all the grandkids.

Another ghost story.. When invested in property. My partner and I picked up this house from an estate sale. I would work on it during the day and my partner would work there at nights because of his other job. One day while I was working in the house alone, I notice from the corner of my eye a dark image glide down the 2nd floor hallway. I stopped what I was doing and went to investigate but nothing/ no one was there. I thought it was strange and just figured it was my imagination. Until one weekend when my partner and I were working on the house together. We sat down for lunch and he started to tell me..."one night as he was installing a light switch, he felt someone came up behind him and gave him a big hug. He turned around and there was no one there" (he was the only person in the house.) he said he felt someone actually hugging him. Then I told him my story and we figured the house was haunted (maybe by the previous owner?)
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Oct 5, 2018
For over 10 years I lived in an old Colorado mining town in the Mountains West of Denver. The house was built in the 1880's. I lived alone and the first year there was by far the strangest - before I got the dog. First month living there I woke up one night at 4am because my foot felt like it was being stepped on by an elephant. I opened my eyes and from what little light was coming through the shades from the street lamp outside I saw the figure of a very short man, maybe only 5'0 tall standing next to the bed by my feet. Couldn't see his face but I could tell he had a long bushy white beard and a top hat with a wide brim. It was only for a moment but is now burned into my memory forever.

LOTS of other weird stories from that place but I came to terms with it all and didn't chicken out and move. Having my dog around helped a lot! Not because I think dogs scare away ghosts or anything ridiculous like that, it's just having a companion around. The house was built into a hillside and I eventually found out that there was literally a mine shaft dug into the mountain behind my kitchen wall. . .

Despite all of that I'm still a "see it to believe it" person and I believe our minds are very capable of manifesting our fears in the form of dreams or hallucinations. I'm not afraid of old miners though so my experience was real. 😉


Jul 20, 2018
I use to be skeptic too until a few things happened to me.
Op, I assume grandma has passed. If your daughter said grandma was in her room I would tend to believe it. imo.

My dad past away before my daughter was born (but my son did get to meet him.) When my daughter was 2y/o she use to scream/ cry at night. (didn't happen with my son). My wife and I figures it was bad dreams. This occurred almost on a regular basis. wakes up the whole family. The next morning we would ask her about her screaming & crying, but she didn't remember any of it. This went on for months and I thought it could be bad spirts that was bothering her. So one day when my wife took the kids shopping with her.. I was home alone when I got frustrated with the thoughts of a bad sprit in my daughters room. so I went into her room and got so upset that my blood was boiling and I started yelling at the sprit.. cursing at it like a drunken sailor. That night and every night since my daughter slept quietly (she's a teenager now). I never told my wife or my kids that story, but looking back at it now I wonder if my dad had visited my daughter. But I don't know why my daughter would cry or scream because he loved all the grandkids.

Another ghost story.. When invested in property. My partner and I picked up this house from an estate sale. I would work on it during the day and my partner would work there at nights because of his other job. One day while I was working in the house alone, I notice from the corner of my eye a dark image glide down the 2nd floor hallway. I stopped what I was doing and went to investigate but nothing/ no one was there. I thought it was strange and just figured it was my imagination. Until one weekend when my partner and I were working on the house together. We sat down for lunch and he started to tell me..."one night as he was installing a light switch, he felt someone came up behind him and gave him a big hug. He turned around and there was no one there" (he was the only person in the house.) he said he felt someone actually hugging him. Then I told him my story and we figured the house was haunted (maybe by the previous owner?)
Both grandmas are alive and well, we talk to them every week. I don't read too much into the toddler talk. Even though we have rarely used the term "grandma" who knows what she picks up at daycare. It was just a creepy coincidence that she started talking about ghosts and grandma the same time i heard the noises on the stairs.


May 11, 2020
Keep em coming folks... between this, Creepy experiences thread and the coolest thing in the backcountry thread, Rokslide has become my favorite free time reading. Not that it wasn’t before. 🙂


Jul 2, 2016
Just remembered there was a 4th house.

Here are my favorites from each house.

At least 25 years ago as a kid I woke up to a misty figure standing over my bed. I screamed for my parents and ran into their room. Turns out my dad saw the same thing 2 weeks before and my youngest brother saw it a few months the later. None of us were talked to about it before we saw it.

15ish years ago I used to stay at my girlfriend's house on an old orchard. We would see a dark haired woman in a light colored dress in one of the rooms.

In my parents current house we had the usual ghostly steps going up and down the stairs all night, tv randomly turning on and cabinets banging. One time my ex was going down the stairs carrying a card game and was shoved from behind. When she hit the bottom the only card in her hand was "head over heels".

In my house in Kansas 3 years ago, my wife and I were lying in bed in the dark and heard a child's voice say "Daddy" in our room. I ran into my son's room and he was fast asleep. That ghost also used to torment our dog and would shut him in the bathroom. We had to get a door stop to keep it from happening.

That first thing you mentioned is a shadow person and you really don’t want anything to do with those. **** that.


Sep 2, 2013
I've got two weird stories...

I was living with a good friend and his wife about 10 years ago. They had just got married and were leaving on their honey moon. They had been gone for about an hour when I heard running water upstairs. I went upstairs and the bathroom facet in the sink was wide open. I thought that it was very strange and got a bit creeped out but went on with my day. About a week after they got home I brought it up to them and my buddies wife got really quite. She said the same exact thing happened to her a couples months back. That was the only odd thing that happened in that I'm aware of.

The second one, another buddy and I were staying in a hotel in Hattisburg, MS for work. After a long night of partying we went back to the hotel to crash for the night. We had just turned out the lights and about 15 minutes later the bathroom light AND fan get switched on. It freaked us both out and we thought we were going to get molested by a ghost.

I've heard other stories of peoples furniture getting rearranged and cabinet doors being opened up, enough to freak anyone out.


Jan 30, 2017
California, Inland Empire
My first wife past before any of my grand children were born, one day my daughter was driving home with my grandson and daughter they were2/3 maybe 3/4 when ever they can verbally express them sleeves. as she was driving the two of them started signing a song, the song was one my first wife and her Glee club wrote back when she was in high school, there is no way they could have known the song.
My daughter asked them where they heard the song, they both said the pretty woman with long black hair taught it to them. when they got home my daughter pulled out the album and sat the kids down to look at it and walked away, a couple minutes later the kids came running with a picture of my first wife saying this is the pretty woman.
A year after she past, I felt someone set down on my bed opened my eyes and it was my wife. I sat up and we spoke for 15 or so minutes before she said she had to go and just vanished.
I do believe in spirts, angels ect
Oct 5, 2018
Amazing the understanding, sharing, and open discussion on this thread about ghosts. But, say you've had a sasquatch encounter, and now all the sudden your the village idiot. Smh.

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Realistically speaking, Bigfoot has more potential physical evidence in existence than Ghosts do. Does anyone find and make plaster casts of Ghost Footprints? It should be the other way around. 😅
Mar 5, 2012
SW Colorado
I don't but my wife and inlaws do. When my wife was younger her sister passed away from drowning when she was 6. They said when she was alive she always wore this little silver ring and she would rub it against the metal stair railing to make noises when she was using the stairs. My wife and inlaws have told me that after she passed they would often hear that sound periodically. They said it eventually stopped after a couple of years.