Do Y'all Use Wrist Slings?

Do you use a wrist sling?

  • Yes

    Votes: 49 48.5%
  • No

    Votes: 46 45.5%
  • Not currently, but thinking about it

    Votes: 6 5.9%

  • Total voters


Mar 27, 2022
Who here uses a wrist sling?
In what situations are they helpful?
If so, which one do y'all recommend?
I don't.

When my loop breaks ill probably regret it
My opinion is it's more of a safety anymore, bows don't recoil to the point of needing them. Might help your grip, if you worried about it flying out your hand.
I guess "use" is a relative term. I have one on my bow but it is way loose and does nothing but give me confidence that it won't fall if I drop it after the shot.
I stopped using one for a while, but then had a thumb peg on my release break while I was drawing which caused me to drop a brand new target bow on the range floor. No damage to the bow or sight, but I now use dyneema cord tied onto my bow in a loose loop as a wrist strap.

The dyneema cord is way more minimal than any other strap I could find.
I used one for over 30 years but didn't put one on the latest bow. Had a release malfunction with a premature eject. The bow went for a flyer and landed on the lower cam right in the gravel and dirt. Scratched, scuffed and minor dents but still works. I may put a small loose sling back on.
I do but mainly just because I always have. It’s fairly loose and I don’t actually notice it touch my wrist at all
I haven’t been using mine lately, but some of you have me worried now….

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I don’t use one. The way I draw if my release breaks or whatever I’m not likely to drop my bow. I only relax my bow hand once I’m at full draw
I do because it helps give me the reassurance that the bow isnt going to fall after I shoot. The point of that is that I can leave my bow hand relaxed for a few extra seconds and not immediately squeeze the grip after the shot and possibly torque the bow and screw up my shot. I prefer the Loc Outdoorz stiffy. Its semi rigid so it stays out if the way and you don’t even notice it but it easy bends and forms if you want to.

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