What hasn’t been mentioned yet is that if you go with 200 spine, and decide to use slightly less weight, you’ll still tune fine. Too stiff is usually fine within reason with a compound.
You should easily be able to source and build a 500-600 grain arrow in 200 spine. A 10-11gpi shaft, and 200-275up front will result in 13-18% FOC. You go with more weight up front and you may need to drop in to 150.
I’m shooting 30” draw at 75lbs 29” arrow with 250 spine and 235 up front (530gr total weight) and can shoot 275 up front before it gets squirrelly. I’d go 200 spine with your specs and not think twice.
You should easily be able to source and build a 500-600 grain arrow in 200 spine. A 10-11gpi shaft, and 200-275up front will result in 13-18% FOC. You go with more weight up front and you may need to drop in to 150.
I’m shooting 30” draw at 75lbs 29” arrow with 250 spine and 235 up front (530gr total weight) and can shoot 275 up front before it gets squirrelly. I’d go 200 spine with your specs and not think twice.