Do engineers have a sense of humor?

They should ask them to fix or repair what they design when it breaks and see how they like it . No they are sadist with no sense of humor. Lol. Family member worked for GM and would scratch his head at some of the designs that he would see.
I asked the landscape architect on my last job if they realized the Norway Spruce they spec’d was a non-native (project criteria)…she just starred at me…then there was the slow realization they don’t know their chit…We’re talking New England…not Norway…
The washer reservoir is one gallon outside dimensions of plastic…
The Ford Transit engineer that design the drain trough for the windshield water runoff let all the water pour directly on top of the air box. He must have thought he was real funny. But the engineer that designed the air box was way more funny. He designed the lid to sit inside the base v. the base fit inside the lid. All the windshield water runoff pooled in the air box and leaked into the air filter soaking it every time it rained. The air filter would eventually break apart and the pieces would get sucked into the engine. That was a real funny duo.
My wife has hired engineers for 25 years. The great majority were analytical and dry. Like scientists...But there have been many that were very normal dudes. A lot of them don't understand they are a little different.

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And it's funny when you get on a job site, find something isn't engineered exactly right, call the engineers and they insist it will work. You get them to come to the work site, and they realize it doesn't work like they imagine. Architects are in the same group. Slightly odd or eccentric.

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A graduate with a science degree as, why does it work? A graduate with an engineer degree ask, how does it work ? . A graduate with a liberal arts degree ask, would you like fries with that?
You can't bring British engineering into this conversation...with there Whitworth fasteners and horrible wiring systems..positive ground really? The frame of my MG TC is wood...
You know why British folks drink warm beer? Because Lucas makes refrigerators too.

Don't even get me started on VWs and Audis...My wife's Q5 windshield wiper resevior is against the firewall I have to use a beer bong to put washer fluid in it...a jug wont fit between the hood and resevior and just wait till you have to use the "spare tire"....they have a sick sense of humor.
Do you know why the British never entered the personal computer market?

They couldn’t figure out a way to make them leak gear oil.
I a m sure people would complaine if they had to use a gallon and a 1/4 or half of another one also. You could always wait until it's completely dry to fill it up, then it would most likely use the whole gallon. It could be figured that most people will spill that amount trying to poor it in the reservoir, and end up with It being the perfect amount. Or you could pour that left over amount onto a rag and clean the rest of the windows and mirrors with it.
Three engineering students were gathered together to discuss the possible designers of the human body. One said, "It was a mechanical engineer. Just look at all the joints." Another said, "No, it was an electrical engineer. The nervous system has many thousands of electrical connections." The last said, "Actually it was a civil engineer. Who else would run a toxic waste pipeline through a recreational area?"
How do you get an engineer to do something you want them to do? Tell them it’s “impossible.”
An old engineer retires. A year or so later, the firm calls him up. They are having a technical issue with a machine he designed. No one else in the company can figure out what's wrong and they want him to help. He aggrees and comes in. He walks up to the machine, opens a panel, and stares into the workings. After a while, he pulls a piece of chalk out of his pocket and scribes an "X" on one particular component. He says, "There's your problem." and leaves. Sure enough, the firm replaces that part and everything is working fine. A few days later, the firm receives a bill from the retired engineer for $100,000. They call him, asking why the bill is so outrageous. He replies, itemizing the bill, "It's $1 for chalk and $99,999 for knowing where to put it."
Two engineering students were crossing campus when one asked the other, "Where did you get such a great bike?"

The second engineer replied, "Well, I was walking along yesterday minding my own business when a beautiful woman rode up on this bike. She threw the bike to the ground, took off all her clothes and said, "Take what you want."

"The second engineer nodded approvingly, "Good choice; the clothes probably wouldn't have fit."