DIY mule deer


Apr 16, 2022
Hey! My buddy and I are looking to do a DIY mule deer hunt. We’ve killed elk and mulies guided, but wanting to stay away from the guided hunts. Lotta $ and a lotta drama. And we have tons of deer experience, so we were looking at suggestions on where we should target, statewise. I’ve been leaning towards Nebraska, he is liking Idaho or Utah or even New Mexico. What would you guys recommend when you take into consideration success rate, draw odds, land accessibility, etc. thinking for a rifle. Used up all our MT and UT points, so no points right now. Thanks again!
Hey! My buddy and I are looking to do a DIY mule deer hunt. We’ve killed elk and mulies guided, but wanting to stay away from the guided hunts. Lotta $ and a lotta drama. And we have tons of deer experience, so we were looking at suggestions on where we should target, statewise. I’ve been leaning towards Nebraska, he is liking Idaho or Utah or even New Mexico. What would you guys recommend when you take into consideration success rate, draw odds, land accessibility, etc. thinking for a rifle. Used up all our MT and UT points, so no points right now. Thanks again!

All of them are good. Just pick one and go. You mentioned Idaho, Nebraska and New Mexico. Can't go wrong with any of those three.
Most of the good Nebraska mule deer country will take you points to draw now and population is in a rebuilding phase right now. Plenty of decent rifle hunts in CO that you could draw with 0 pts that I'd take over some of those other states as far as potential for a quality deer.
Since you have a lot of deer experience, come to California, we have lots of left over tags, and you could hunt the same area every year.
There's a reason why thousands of Cal hunters head east each fall. 😲
I didn't say anything that is not true. Besides, Ca is a good place to test your skills, knowledge and abilities, especially on a left over tag zone. But hey, what do know, as I hunt a left over tag zone every year.
NM has some great draw odds in muzzle loader season. Check them out. It is a complete no point system. Heading to a unit this October that had 97% draw odds for a non resident with 170” potential. Success rate from GoHunt was listed at 30%. We will see how it goes.
First thing to consider is what State can you draw a tag. Then you have to decide what type deer you are looking for. A legal buck or mature 4x4. I apply for a tag in NM, CO, WY and UT every year. Last year I drew CO this year UT. I have enough of points that should easily get me a WY tag next year.
I can give you my insight on Idaho over the past few years i have hunted there. Deer are there, but you really have to find them in the offseason. I am on the east coast 24 and don't have the time or money to do that. We have found a few alright deer but also spent 10 days hunting very hard. They are there but you better have time a lot of experience.
NM has some great draw odds in muzzle loader season. Check them out. It is a complete no point system. Heading to a unit this October that had 97% draw odds for a non resident with 170” potential. Success rate from GoHunt was listed at 30%. We will see how it goes.
I’ve hunted a few units in NM. Anything that has 97% draw rate in NM is going to be rough hunting.
I’ve hunted a few units in NM. Anything that has 97% draw rate in NM is going to be rough hunting.
I agree, but at least we are getting to go. There are some good deer in this unit. I have talked to the game warden and BLM people and confirmed a few areas that have decent potential. Not know for huge deer but have recent success in the 160-170 range from that season. We may see nothing but if we don’t go, we won’t know!