DIY Hike in AK Sheep

Mar 21, 2012
I looked up the exact name. Sheep in the eastern brooks range management area within 25A is non-aircraft, which for that area is more or less the same as non-motorized. It's also resident only.
Got it.. Yeah, I suppose that work work if you wanted to hunt in October - April.
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Nov 3, 2017
I looked up the exact name. Sheep in the eastern brooks range management area within 25A is non-aircraft, which for that area is more or less the same as non-motorized. It's also resident only
It's basically a hunt for residents of Kaktovik. I did a bunch of work up that way and know a few guys that hunt it. It would be pretty much impossible without a local connection for a snow machine and a place to sleep. Staying at Waldo's moldy connex for $400 a night plus flights to the village and snow machine rental would add up to an August flight charter pretty quick.
Mar 1, 2017
Eagle River, AK
I looked up the exact name. Sheep in the eastern brooks range management area within 25A is non-aircraft, which for that area is more or less the same as non-motorized. It's also resident only.
Looks like most that area in the Management Area is closed by USFWS to federally qualified residents only (not listed in the state regs)
Mar 21, 2012
It's basically a hunt for residents of Kaktovik. I did a bunch of work up that way and know a few guys that hunt it. It would be pretty much impossible without a local connection for a snow machine and a place to sleep. Staying at Waldo's moldy connex for $400 a night plus flights to the village and snow machine rental would add up to an August flight charter pretty quick.

I'd say it's more of a hunt for residents of Arctic Village as opposed to Kaktovik, either way, very hard hunt to pull off and I know a few that have tried.
Nov 27, 2020
The Eastern Brooks 25A winter hunt is RS 595, open to all since all Alaskans are subsistence hunters under state law. The regs recently changed, a couple years ago it was 3 sheep bag limit, any sheep, and some with the time and money were flying to Kaktovik, renting machines, and snowmachining out after full curl trophy rams (and getting some nice ones). That wasn't the intent of the original reg. The new reg is one ram, must be 3/4 curl or smaller, which is not worth the time and money to fly to Kaktovik and rent a machine, unless you really like sheep meat that much.
Nov 3, 2017
The Eastern Brooks 25A winter hunt is RS 595, open to all since all Alaskans are subsistence hunters under state law. The regs recently changed, a couple years ago it was 3 sheep bag limit, any sheep, and some with the time and money were flying to Kaktovik, renting machines, and snowmachining out after full curl trophy rams (and getting some nice ones). That wasn't the intent of the original reg. The new reg is one ram, must be 3/4 curl or smaller, which is not worth the time and money to fly to Kaktovik and rent a machine, unless you really like sheep meat that much.
There are a few houses in town that have to have well over 20 sheep heads up on the roof. Saw a few legit monsters just rotting away. When I first got there I was confused why their school mascot is the "Rams," but it was pretty evident very quickly. Those folks love sheep meat and its a legit meat hunt for them. The guy I know that still lives there gives all his horns away to a carver.