DIY Exo pika knockoff


Jul 27, 2019
I bought the new K4 frame, but after experiencing the K3 there are some things that I don’t like about Exo bags. Mainly the stretch material for the lower pockets. But I saw those pika bags they had prototyped and really liked the look of them. So I made one! It’s just a straightforward center zip/roll top, with two pleated side zips. Can be used with or without the lid. Overall is maybe like 2500-3000ci?

Some of the stitches are a little rough as I don’t have an industrial machine. Just grandmas old singer. And not the heavy duty metal kind. That thing struggled hard sometimes, especially on the webbing, but it made it through!
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Looks good man. So you just felt the stretch pockets got in the way or what?

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yeah, two way zipper for the main zip. And one way for the sides.

Yes, I did intentionally match the color. Just used 500dCordura for all of it.

The stretch pockets didn’t so much get in the way, as much as I just never use them. Same with the front stretch on the K3 4800. I use a hill, people gear, chest pack, so all the small things that would go in the stretch pockets usually just go in the chest pack.