Discontinued Products you wish were still available

I haven't read the entire thread, so maybe it's already been mentioned, but Speer .358 220 grain flat points. They are accurate in any rifle I have used them in and have great performance on game at moderate velocities.
Like already mentioned, the stand you are describing is a Loggy Bayou Climber. God forbid the tree was wet or had ice, you were going to die. Guys used to send self tapping hex head screws through that rubber band with the hope the screw heads would grip the tree better.

When those stands came out, they were thought the be the greatest advancement in Hunting since the center fire rifle.

Below is a picture for nostalgia.

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I had the Gen 1 with flat climbing band and rope in a rope securing system. And no cushioned seat, just two strips of webbing. Sat in that thing for 2 hrs one afternoon and gave it to my buddy. That was the end of tree stand deer hunting for me.
I still have mine, but Tree Walker Climbing stand. The most comfortable stand ever made hands down. I would take naps on all day sits.

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V8 4Runners

speaking of which, come 2026, 4Runners won't even be V6s anymore. Turbo 4 cylinders...
Still driving the V8 version. It is quite good!

The turbo 4 cylinder probably just going to be a cheap imitation poser of the real thing. Get it, @Poser
Not sure where the hate comes from for the Loggy Bayou stands. Bought mine in 97. It had the whale tail notch, steel band with rubber sleeve. There were two long braces on the bottom side of the stand that extended to the bottom of the notch. Had pointed steel inserts made that dug in. Hard. The seat had three positions for tree lean. And when the over center buckle was closed. It was rock solid. Loved that stand. Folded down to about 6", weighed about 14lbs with the hand climber. Loved that stand. Had it set up in an oak, went to use it one afternoon in 2022, windstorm knocked another tree down and destroyed it. Was like losing an old friend.

Only took one ride on mine. Climbing a smooth bark tree after it rained. Tried to reposition, and it dropped about three feet. User error.