Disabled Veteran friendly non resident state.

Nov 27, 2018
Southeastern Kentucky
I'm a veterans service officer and 100% s/c and have researched this extensively. These will be for 100% S/C Nonresident DV's unless otherwise stated
In no particular order
1. California - fishing & general hunting licenses at resident DV prices. Hog tag
2. Washington- Elk, bear, deer, cougar, Turkey, fishing at resident $
3. Idaho - hunting licenses, 3 day fishing Elk Deer Bear Turkey tags resident pricing. Elk & Deer general tags now limited to first 500 deer & 250 elk. If you are drawn for a controlled hunt you still receive DV $
4. Texas - Free lifetime hunting & fishing licenses
5. Missouri - hunting, fishing, deer, Turkey at resident licenses
6. Illinois - free fishing & small game licenses for life. NR tag $$
7. Virginia - resident fishing & general hunting license . NR tag $$
8. New Mexico - special Oryx draw hunt for military & DV

*** I have personally registered with the state's that have offered these benefits and purchased the general licenses ( not tags where tags are limited) to support those states and to provide them with "hard data" related to this benefit. I recommend that you do as well. ***
If tags are limited, like in Idaho, I have only bought tags when I planned on hunting.

Some other states have allotments for non profits servicing WW & DV but I won't cover those.

I have been writing & working with the Congressional Sportsmans Caucus & Veterans Committees to Get some other things done, based on therapeutic benefits, while providing an incentive to the states that provide opportunities for us DV's and though we were really close with the Accelerating Veterans Outdoors Recreation Act, it didn't go far enough to specifically address fishing, hunting, and Pittman- Robertson Act tax relief for states. It covered "General- Vague" outdoor rec on Federal lands... and of course setting up a "task force to study outdoor opportunities for DV's".

P.S. I wanted to add a statement regarding the friendliness of resident's towards nonresident's-
Two things that I do is:
1. visit the local veterans organization (Am Leg, Amvets, DAV, &/or VFW - I belong to all) great for local Intel
2. I go to Walmart and buy 3 stickers for the local college sports team prevalent for the area and stick the big one on the back of my vehicle and a smaller one on the back side window of my SUV.... when in Rome
Go Boise State... WSU Cougars...AZ... Mizzou.... Nebraska.....etc.....DOES WONDERS! Even though you're a foreigner, you don't look foreign.
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