Dirt bikes in MT.

Aug 9, 2017
The little belts has one of the best trail systems in MT. Great dirt biking and UTV riding. Every September the forest fills up with hunters, and for good reason. This is ground zero for elk.
As mentioned above by Jmav58, it gets slammed here. It’s central location gets all major MT city hunters and the cats been out of the bag for last 20 years on elk populations.
Most forest tracks (non road under 50”) close to motorized use the week before general season, the USFS date for a while has been Oct. 15. Heavy snow years close that sooner.
But recently there has been a lack of snow so guys still ride and there is no to very limited enforcement.
The LB are out of the Helena - Lewis and Clark District. Its just under 3 million acres, so a lot of ground to cover. Motorized users on trails closed or open are on the bottom of the list for stretched out LEO’s.

In over 30 years I have never witnessed a dirt biker or motorized user in a wilderness area in MT. WSA‘ s are defacto wilderness that were never established by congress, thus allow motorized and mechanical use.
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