

Mar 17, 2015
Fellas, I have to admit that I'm seriously debating where myself and two hunting partners hunt in CO Unit 45 during first rifle. Each of us drew an either sex tag. For me, this is my second trip for elk and I took a cow on my first trip (my partner on that hunt took a good 5x5). Neither of the other guys have ever been to CO or hunted elk before.

We have two areas under consideration; one is the Holy Cross Wilderness and the other is a public land area in the unit that is not wilderness and has much better access. HCW is huge, high, rugged, and deep. It's freakin' gorgeous. There are high mountain lakes for fresh water, bathing, and fish. It will absolutely kick our asses. Once we're in, we're in, and the only times to come out are with elk on our backs or when the season is done.

The other spot is kind of like going to a sorority house. It ain't a whorehouse, per se (i.e., one of those elk ranches), where you know you're gonna get some it's just a question of when and how good it will be. This area is easier on the approach and the withdrawal. It doesn't offer the water access and options, but it is a lot easier to get around and get around in and there are elk there. It will also likely have a lot more human presence and pressure; something we won't really have at all in HCW.

I think our odds of tagging an elk are better at the second area, but the experience overall will likely be far better in HCW. What I want is a truly great trip, and for each of the three of us to put crosshairs on elk during the trip.

We've got 5 hunting days to seriously buck the 25% odds, and I'm wanting to figure out how best to do that. Any suggestions?


Jul 17, 2012
Hilliard Florida
With two of your partners having never hunted elk or the Colorado high rockies I'd take the less challenging terrain. Yes the HCW is beautiful and challenging but it may also overwhelm your less experienced partners and break them on this trip and of ever going again. How well do you know these guys and how sure are you that they can handle the HCW ? I'd go small ball this year and if they work out I'd drive to the HCW on the way home and point to it and ask them if they wanted to swing for the parking lot next season. On the other hand go big or go home. Trip of a lifetime or a complete disaster. Sitting here thinking clearly I'm recommending the safer bet but I know me and personally I'd dance with disaster :)
Apr 29, 2015
Littleton, CO
Can't say much about hunting in HCW, but it is an amazingly beautiful area. I backpacked into Lake Constantine last July and fell in love. You will probably still see decent trail use for the 14er, but the rest of the trails should be pretty abandoned by that time of year. The above lake has a lot of amazing camping spots right on the lake and is a fairly easy 4.5mi hike in. Brookies and Cutthroats galore also, so go up early and get you fish on. For me, while the primary goal is getting out there and hunting some elk; it's also just as much about getting in the woods with some friends and just having a great time enjoying nature. In case you needed a reminder of what you'd be missing, here you go:





Mar 17, 2015
With two of your partners having never hunted elk or the Colorado high rockies I'd take the less challenging terrain. Yes the HCW is beautiful and challenging but it may also overwhelm your less experienced partners and break them on this trip and of ever going again. How well do you know these guys and how sure are you that they can handle the HCW ? I'd go small ball this year and if they work out I'd drive to the HCW on the way home and point to it and ask them if they wanted to swing for the parking lot next season. On the other hand go big or go home. Trip of a lifetime or a complete disaster. Sitting here thinking clearly I'm recommending the safer bet but I know me and personally I'd dance with disaster :)

Funny thing, I'm likely going to be the least in shape of the trio. One of the other two is a freakin' nutcase who runs anywhere from 7-15 miles every other day, snowshoe races, lives in and climbs the Whites and Presidentials like he is a mountain goat. The other is a surveyor and used to carrying a pack and gear for miles. I know them well enough to know that they can handle either area, or I wouldn't even have this to consider. They are good friends, solid, and good hunters.


Feb 27, 2012
Colorado Springs
We've got 5 hunting days to seriously buck the 25% odds, and I'm wanting to figure out how best to do that. Any suggestions?

Have options lined up before you even get there. 5 days doesn't allow for much, but be ready to change options quickly if you're not getting into elk.


Mar 27, 2014
San Antonio,TX
If they are in that good of shape, take them hard! Even if you don't tag out the country you will be in, the views, and the experience will be worth it! Plus bumping into other hunters constantly can wear on you mentally. Being alone in solitude is priceless!