The article doesn't make any direct connection between consuming infected deer meet and CJD. It did get me curious about human exposure to CWD prions and I found an angle I had not considered before. CWD prions are in the soil, aren't humans being exposed to CWD prions just by being in contaminated areas?
"Scientists believe CWD proteins (prions) likely spread between animals through body fluids like feces, saliva, blood, or urine, either through direct contact or indirectly through environmental contamination of soil, food or water."
If CWD prions are present in the soil and viable for infection for years, it seems like humans are being exposed to the prions whether they eat deer meat or not. It's in the plants and soil all around infected areas. You're exposed when you breath in infected dust or touch your mouth or nose after coming in contact with infected soil.
Apparently plants can intake prions from the soil in sufficient concentration to cause lab mice to develop neurological diseases. And prions have been found in barley
Exposure through meat consumption is probably more concentrated but there are other ways to be exposed to prions.
I really have no idea if this is something to be concerned about.