Did it make the jump?

Go test your meat:

Some quotes from the article.

"But the CDC reviewed the 2022 cases and considered the two men's deaths as "part of the normal number of cases of CJD (Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease) we see in the U.S.," he said."

"A history of hunting and/or eating venison does not mean that someone got CJD that way," Maddox said. "Many Americans hunt and even more eat venison. Some will develop sporadic CJD by chance and others will not."

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I gotta put on the tinfoil hat for a bit here....is this just more stuff to get people to stop eating meat? I mean look at the crazy price inflation whenever you go to buy meat...then look at alot of articles being pushed that claim red meat is unhealthy for you (I don't believe that myself).

Almost seems like a mass pushing towards don't eat meat and it makes me suspicious every time i see another angle of that popping up through the news.
Go test your meat:

ok, I'm sold. I'll spend a few 100 on my Elk and various lots of meat. 1 test from each lot I'll do.