Deschutes Sheep Hunt

Congrats on the tag! I wouldn’t mess with floating; the River permit system on the Deschutes is a complicated mess (thanks BLM) and there are easier ways to get around. The stretch of river you’ll be hunting is basically from Shearers falls downstream to the Columbia. You can drive the east side side of the river about 15 miles down from Shearers falls to a place called Mack’s canyon boat launch and campground. Plenty of people have killed sheep that they glassed from this road. Downstream from Mack’s, there is a very nice and flat gravel road following the river that you can mountain bike on all the way to the mouth. My suggestion would be to camp at Mack’s or nearby and then drive/bike until you glass up sheep. And maybe bring a pack raft to cross the river if you find them across the way.

Good luck. The steelhead and trout fishing can be epic that time of year, so don’t forget your pole.
I’ve rafted the Deschutes River about 20 times hunting and fishing from Trout Creek to Maupin with some river rats from Portland! It isn’t for amateurs or the faint hearted, especially Whitehorse. You will be further down River, you might consider another way in or hiring a raft guide.
Lots of access, lots of Sheep. A raft or small boat just to cross river would be very handy. Unless you want to raft it or run a jet boat, or rent a ride it's not necessarily needed to complete your hunt. One of my hunting partners had this tag 2yrs ago for the ewe hunt.
Message me.
My daughter has a tag for a ram on the west side this year, 3rd season, west side.
I can share some information with you.
I’ve deer hunted this stretch a few times years ago. We would rent our own rafts in Troutdale, park at Mack’s and float from Mack’s canyon to the Columbia. There are services to get your vehicle to the pull out.
We’d camp and hunt along the way on the east side of the river. One of our hunting partners would jet boat gear from the mouth up.
Back then there were a few “sketchy” rapids but if you have time behind oars nothing to be too concerned with. Just pay attention.
Lots of hunt able land from the river up to the tops where you run into private. We would run into bands of sheep everyday. This was 20+ yrs ago however.
You could definitely ride a bike with a trailer on the road. Although last time I was up over there hunting coyotes that road was pretty bumpy for a bike.
Good luck on your hunt! Should be an epic experience.