Deer killed by automobiles

When I first moved to WA, I remember reading a statistic that over twice as many deer in WI were killed by vehicles than were killed by hunters in WA. At least if you hit one here in WA you can keep it now. You can even pick one up if someone else hits it.
I'm just a few miles north of the Tn border in Va. Have seen more roadkill than usual for this time of year. Not a lot more but it's rare to see roadkilled deer other than in the rut.
I can't speak for other regions but in Colorado I think it's a severe lack of caution and awareness. I see people passing other cars at 75mph on a two lane highway at night during peak migration all the time.

Last fall during the middle of the day on a straightaway (in the wide open with no trees anywhere around) I saw 2 deer hauling ass across a meadow and none of the 3 cars in front of me slowed down as these deer crossed the highway and of course one got smashed broadside. I watched this unfold almost 10 seconds before it happened so I slowed way down. WTF were these other 3 cars doing that nobody saw these deer or slowed down?

Semis are also a huge culprit in my opinion. They can't slow down nearly as fast as passenger cars and don't seem to have any problem trucking at night through the mountains and other high deer density areas when animals are most active.
Or by 4-legged predation, disease, or winter kills, apparently?
@HuntHarder too...

Winter kill I'd expect is pretty light. Weather is super mild. Disease too as a fraction of totals. Re: 4-legged predation? You all got a point there. Maybe the the badge that related that to me had an agenda. When he made the comment it was in a discussion about poaching. Huge numbers poached was the take-home msg.
@HuntHarder too...

Winter kill I'd expect is pretty light. Weather is super mild. Disease too as a fraction of totals. Re: 4-legged predation? You all got a point there. Maybe the the badge that related that to me had an agenda. When he made the comment it was in a discussion about poaching. Huge numbers poached was the take-home msg.

Generally speaking, what state/region are you in? And what species of deer are we talking? Muleys tend to get hammered more by winter than anything else, so I'm sincerely curious about your circumstances/species, etc.
if i could get rid of only one form of demise of our big game it would be get rid of vehicle deaths and it would not be a tough decision. second would be get rid of land developments, especially in winter range. Predators would hardly be on my radar.
Maybe DOT should move the deer X-ing signs to a different location. It’s apparently too dangerous for them to cross that section of road.

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The real problem is a decline in deer literacy over the years. See Bambi run. See the car coming. See Bambi trust the deer crossing sign. Look out Bambi…. Look out!!

Also maybe some signs pointed into the forest saying “DANGER! Car Crossing!!”
Three potential reasons...just spitballin'

1. Inattention by drivers

2. Drivers overdriving their headlights after dark

3. Deer are migrating to get in line for the first In-N-Out Burger in Tennessee.
I was driving down a highway in NYS with a buddy. We're cruisin along and I swear I saw a fish on the side of the road. Few more miles. There is another and it's floppin!! We pull over and grab it. Nice rainbow. Go on down the road and we are pickin up trout left and right! We come up to a truck on the shoulder and it's a hatchery truck! Must have had a hatch open or something.
I was driving down a highway in NYS with a buddy. We're cruisin along and I swear I saw a fish on the side of the road. Few more miles. There is another and it's floppin!! We pull over and grab it. Nice rainbow. Go on down the road and we are pickin up trout left and right! We come up to a truck on the shoulder and it's a hatchery truck! Must have had a hatch open or something.
Hope a warden didn’t stop you to check your fishing license.
There are signs around Winthrop, Mazama and Twisp that keep a running total of the deer hit in the year. They are on HY 20. And the numbers often are staggering.

When I first moved to WA, I remember reading a statistic that over twice as many deer in WI were killed by vehicles than were killed by hunters in WA. At least if you hit one here in WA you can keep it now. You can even pick one up if someone else hits it.

Down in the SE part of Washington it's just a part of driving. It is not a matter of "if", it is a matter of "when". A couple years ago, I had a doe grazing in a wheat field about 20 yards from the road, as I approached she lifted her head and I immediately lifted off the throttle and covered the brake pedal. She stood there until I was almost to her location where she took off on a dead run straight into the front of my pickup. I was already on the brakes but it was to late. $8000 worth of body damage. Our auto body man is a friend and he said if it were not for deer hits he would go out of business. He thought about 65% of his work was from deer hits.
Down in the SE part of Washington it's just a part of driving. It is not a matter of "if", it is a matter of "when". A couple years ago, I had a doe grazing in a wheat field about 20 yards from the road, as I approached she lifted her head and I immediately lifted off the throttle and covered the brake pedal. She stood there until I was almost to her location where she took off on a dead run straight into the front of my pickup. I was already on the brakes but it was to late. $8000 worth of body damage. Our auto body man is a friend and he said if it were not for deer hits he would go out of business. He thought about 65% of his work was from deer hits.
My brother is a deer magnet and averages 3 auto vs deer impacts per year the last 25 years.