Deer killed by automobiles

Do deer migrate there? Did something change to re-route their normal patterns of movement?

There used to be a stretch of two lane in N central Washington where it was a major truck route and there was a cut through a hill that was a wildly popular salt/mineral lick. The mule deer bodies would stack up like cordwood. You’d drive through that cut and there’d be 15-20 dead deer. I don’t know if it’s like that anymore.
I got 4 at one time, a few years ago on my way home from a LR shoot in Montana. Now I have a cowcatcher bumper......



I dont know how hard you were hit with Helene but I'm across the state line in NC and the deer have shifted and moved to find feed and cover now. Also is there more traffic on the roads in that area since i-40 was shut down? I know it's open one lane again but any oversized loads still getting redirected.
The result of people living in their own worl. Meaning trying to drive vehicles while updating their facebook status or watching Youtube videos.

Attentive, defensive driving as in spotting a deer off to the side of the road then anticipating the possibility the deer might end up in front of your vehicle is a foreign concept for most nowadays.
Way more deer are dying in Eastern Oregon from cars than hunters, I really wish they would implement game fences like Wyoming. I would much rather my tax money go to that then buying needles for junkies!
Do deer migrate there? Did something change to re-route their normal patterns of movement?

There used to be a stretch of two lane in N central Washington where it was a major truck route and there was a cut through a hill that was a wildly popular salt/mineral lick. The mule deer bodies would stack up like cordwood. You’d drive through that cut and there’d be 15-20 dead deer. I don’t know if it’s like that anymore.
There are signs around Winthrop, Mazama and Twisp that keep a running total of the deer hit in the year. They are on HY 20. And the numbers often are staggering.
There are signs around Winthrop, Mazama and Twisp that keep a running total of the deer hit in the year. They are on HY 20. And the numbers often are staggering.
Yeah, its sad.... I'm really hyper aware when I drive through certain areas, but still one got out in front of me one night. He jumped off an embankment as I was going by, then raced me for a few paces at about 25 mph, then angled in front of me and caught my right fender. Knocked him down but he got up and ran away, and hopefuly he was alright.

I looked up the road where i "saw em stacked like cordwood" and I think it Was WA 155 on the Coleville Reservation. This was in the mid 1980's so things may have changed.
Maybe DOT should move the deer X-ing signs to a different location. It’s apparently too dangerous for them to cross that section of road.

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What is your hypothesis? More deer? Crazier drivers? Right of way needs trimmed?
In Wisconsin the amount of trees/brush that can be cleared by the roads
was lessened some years ago. I don't know the number of feet but do
know that has an effect.
As a MC rider it makes even daytime riding sketchy.