Deer are SMART !

Oct 3, 2017
Too far east
I own property, so I have stands set up in various places. After a few doe took a dirt nap, the remaining deer have learned to avoid my stands. Literally, not 1 deer will come near my stands now.
They also know my black truck. If they see my truck coming, they just run. Any other truck, they'll stick around a bit and watch.

Good thing I have a full freezer :)
If the stands are movable, mix it up a bit. On my property, I have 2 fixed stands, 2 movable and a ground blind. Seems to have been working pretty good lately moving them to different spots..
Sounds like you are overhunting the property.

I hunted an area where deer avoided all vehicles. Had to hide the truck or they wouldnt come thru.
Yes they are smart. I’ve got one buck that has figured out that rather than running around looking for does, he just hangs out by the feeder waiting for them to come to the buffet. I don’t know how many pictures I have of him chasing a doe.
They aren’t smart. You have conditioned them. Big difference.

Park your truck in a different spot and then hang a stand about 50 yds from where your current stands are.

I hunt a small 45 acre piece of land. I have 2 established stands and then 2–4 that I move around. Deer start to get a little skittish then I change things up.