Dear You Tube stars…

Just remember, everyone who got shown how to do things by dad/uncle/grandpa did not earn it either. Nor anyone who had a friend help them out along the way.

This is not talking about "earning" anything, it is just talking about controling information to control access, coming from someone who already has the information. From what I can see, this is not different than residents wanting to cut non-resident tag allotments.

Due to YouTube's profit model, the OP admitting he wants to watch any hunting content makes him part of the problem as he helps YouTubers make money and keeps them making videos.
As for the cutting non resident tag thing... and similar converstaions...I'm somewhat torn on that...

2020 was my last year guiding. Got to listening everyone talking about overcrowding and no opportunities, loosing public ground.

Over the winter I got down the rabbit hole myself. Granted we have lost access and there is nonsense going on. I don't believe it's as bad as is made our to be on media places.
Started looking over public land here in montana. Research someplace on maps and go bang around there a few days.

Since Jan, I've spent 80+ days in the field in several different places. Everywhere I go there is the sign I'm looking for.

So much public me to thinking about all the other states I've hunted. Starting in Colorado as a kid in 80s. My last colorado hunt was 2016. Went to same drainages we hunted all those years ago. Elk and deer still in same holes doing what they've always done. More hunters now then in 80s, but our success was still just as good.
Wyoming and Idaho are the same.

Got this little bow shop I go too once in awhile. Noone there knows I guided over a decade in this one particular public land area. When that place comes up all anyone says is that wolves and bears have destroyed the elk herd. The herd has changed, and there are more than enough predators. Really, from personal observation; how it's hunted is the issue. That's been the case in every place I've ever hunted.

So many people these days think private land is the only place to hunt mature elk/deer. That's such a farce.

My brother in law has hunted this one area his entire life. Does nothing but complain about congestion. Got to digging around on maps learning names of places and what not. We went messing around up there. Several places I asked about that he's not been into. Says he's always wanted to but can't ever find someone to go with him...Weeeelllllll, I think this is a fairly standard deal. Noone wants to adjust.

YouTube has definitely overcomplicated things for folks.
Dad, uncle, grandpa, give out complete/accurate information to be helpful. Enough to get you going with a chance to not get messed up.
Not the case today. A majority of information being passed out on line are by folks trying to sell something. It's incomplete in alot of cases. On top of that a major issue is popping up with etiquette type things.

I know of some incomplete information given by dad/uncle/grandpa as well. I would say it is hard to make the case from th OP that this was a gripe about incomplete information, especially when the end problem is said to be not earning it and loss of opportunity for those who have earned it.

I very rarely watch YouTube hunting content, so I could not tell you if the information is complete or not. I imagine that like books, forums, articles, and friends or family one must parse out the good from the bad. The fix to incomplete information is more and better information, not reduced information though. Even IF more and better required eliminating YouTube, it would still mean more people in the field.

As for the cutting non resident tag thing... and similar converstaions...I'm somewhat torn on that...

2020 was my last year guiding. Got to listening everyone talking about overcrowding and no opportunities, loosing public ground.

Over the winter I got down the rabbit hole myself. Granted we have lost access and there is nonsense going on. I don't believe it's as bad as is made our to be on media places.
Started looking over public land here in montana. Research someplace on maps and go bang around there a few days.

Since Jan, I've spent 80+ days in the field in several different places. Everywhere I go there is the sign I'm looking for.

So much public me to thinking about all the other states I've hunted. Starting in Colorado as a kid in 80s. My last colorado hunt was 2016. Went to same drainages we hunted all those years ago. Elk and deer still in same holes doing what they've always done. More hunters now then in 80s, but our success was still just as good.
Wyoming and Idaho are the same.

Got this little bow shop I go too once in awhile. Noone there knows I guided over a decade in this one particular public land area. When that place comes up all anyone says is that wolves and bears have destroyed the elk herd. The herd has changed, and there are more than enough predators. Really, from personal observation; how it's hunted is the issue. That's been the case in every place I've ever hunted.

So many people these days think private land is the only place to hunt mature elk/deer. That's such a farce.

My brother in law has hunted this one area his entire life. Does nothing but complain about congestion. Got to digging around on maps learning names of places and what not. We went messing around up there. Several places I asked about that he's not been into. Says he's always wanted to but can't ever find someone to go with him...Weeeelllllll, I think this is a fairly standard deal. Noone wants to adjust.

YouTube has definitely overcomplicated things for folks.

All good points. I don't have a problem with competition for resources. Both declining to share information or trying to have tag allotments changed represent that competition. However, people should recognize that not everyone will have sympathy as they may be on the opposite side of that coin.
As for the cutting non resident tag thing... and similar converstaions...I'm somewhat torn on that...

2020 was my last year guiding. Got to listening everyone talking about overcrowding and no opportunities, loosing public ground.

Over the winter I got down the rabbit hole myself. Granted we have lost access and there is nonsense going on. I don't believe it's as bad as is made our to be on media places.
Started looking over public land here in montana. Research someplace on maps and go bang around there a few days.

Since Jan, I've spent 80+ days in the field in several different places. Everywhere I go there is the sign I'm looking for.

So much public me to thinking about all the other states I've hunted. Starting in Colorado as a kid in 80s. My last colorado hunt was 2016. Went to same drainages we hunted all those years ago. Elk and deer still in same holes doing what they've always done. More hunters now then in 80s, but our success was still just as good.
Wyoming and Idaho are the same.

Got this little bow shop I go too once in awhile. Noone there knows I guided over a decade in this one particular public land area. When that place comes up all anyone says is that wolves and bears have destroyed the elk herd. The herd has changed, and there are more than enough predators. Really, from personal observation; how it's hunted is the issue. That's been the case in every place I've ever hunted.

So many people these days think private land is the only place to hunt mature elk/deer. That's such a farce.

My brother in law has hunted this one area his entire life. Does nothing but complain about congestion. Got to digging around on maps learning names of places and what not. We went messing around up there. Several places I asked about that he's not been into. Says he's always wanted to but can't ever find someone to go with him...Weeeelllllll, I think this is a fairly standard deal. Noone wants to adjust.

YouTube has definitely overcomplicated things for folks.
Not universal but something to this. I knew a guy hunted an area for five years. There’s a spot better looking 10 miles away, he never went there. First year i did,success! Sometimes the honey hole ain’t that sweet.
Clearly it is for some a competition. You are better than blank. It's a sad truth I suppose that some need that for motivation. I personally hunt for the experience. Me vs animal. Food. I don't care to compete with any of you for anything and if I feel that I'm in an area where I have to I won't be there long. Oddly enough I'm a very competitive person in many aspects but hunting isn't that for me. So yeah you won't see me asking about gear for my first elk hunt. I'll be avoiding that for awhile, plenty of cool other animals out there.
I’m feeling the Internet hoard on my local beach and it sucks. Once a quite beach and now a hoard of city mongrels infest it. Please don’t interpret me as one of them in your woods. It’s terrible. Flat bill twats everywhere.
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Due to out of control points and crowding, Here’s my YouTube channel how to video that I’m making:

Pick an area with not many animals, not much public land. That’s my new plan, I don’t care if I shoot a big one or not, I’m going hunting boys woooo hoooo (with a large high five while wearing $1500 worth of camo, jumping off a yeti cooler, landing in a close up of my boot brand indention in the dirt, while drinking a sports drink label out, video pans across SILVERADO as I set my Swaro binos on the tailgate, )

subscribe and like for more tips like this so I can afford more hunting gear!

So I drew an NR doe tag, a NR buck tag with very low acres of public, NR antelope in another. Zero of these are sought after, instagramable trophy areas. The buck tag will be a challenge due to low public, 4x4 mule deer that’s spindly is avg, possibly basket rack whitey, antelope 13-14” is usual, doe tag def a booner. That’s ok, I’m going hunting and that’s what I’m here for. The walls are covered in hides and horns, I mean how many big ones can I hang up anyway?
More information, doesn't always mean better information.

Think what he's getting at is there are some parts of what we do that should be sacred and earned. Similar to a child that is given everything and never learns to respect struggle.
Which isn't unique to hunting.

I see folks every year that end up in a pickle from this internet information. Which is usually incomplete information.
Well that is the counter to too much "free easy info" people still have to sort it out themselves and make use of it. No one taught me shit about hunting growing up, my family and every other I knew didn't do that. I have this forum and the internet to teach me things.
As a tradesman I have to willingly teach someone my craft daily thats eventually going to take my spot in the chain. You don't see any of us complaining about that, they still have to do all the work and execute to even have a chance.
People like me have the info, go out and still fail and you wanna complain that we got it so easy.
Not like there isn't tons of people on public land whipping around their side by sides and hiking or walking dogs* through the same areas we look for game in.
People need to STFU and get over it
It can be annoying seeing the info you've worked hard to acquire being given away for a profit by the YouTubers. Sometimes I do enjoy the convenience of speeding up the learning curve on applications in certain states.
YouTurd doesn't replace getting out and actually experiencing the hunt and all the things you only learn by doing.
The game always changes so just adapt and overcome. Don't know how many times I've had "my spots" discovered by someone proficient with OnX only to see them not know how to hunt the spots and walk by or never see the animals on the landscape. I figure they'll try the area once or twice, decide there's nothing there, then move on to someone else's spot. I just choose not to shoot when there's people tromping around my little honey holes.
Well that is the counter to too much "free easy info" people still have to sort it out themselves and make use of it. No one taught me shit about hunting growing up, my family and every other I knew didn't do that. I have this forum and the internet to teach me things.
As a tradesman I have to willingly teach someone my craft daily thats eventually going to take my spot in the chain. You don't see any of us complaining about that, they still have to do all the work and execute to even have a chance.
People like me have the info, go out and still fail and you wanna complain that we got it so easy.
Not like there isn't tons of people on public land whipping around their side by sides and hiking or walking dogs* through the same areas we look for game in.
People need to STFU and get over it
Not saying anyone has it easy. However, would be easier on new folks and more productive if there was less information to sift through; that was more accurate.

Personally I like the majority toodling around on puddle jumpers, bugling their brains out all over the place, and never just hang out. Makes hunting better for me when I know where others are.

Elk/deer aren't afraid of the predator they can see and hear.

I see both sides of it. Am sympathetic to both sides.

I give out lots of information on here since joining. Hunting isn't just a hobby for me. Big part of my DNA. Everyone thinks I'm full of caca which, no skin off me.

Whole reason I even joined this was to give back to something I've cherished since I was born. I've since realized and come to understand a few things.

Point out consistently the fancy folks who give out lethal information.

Noone knows me here so noone listens or cares what my hillbilly arse thinks.

Sometimes I talk about hunting mature bulls. Everyone automatically thinks I'm talking about antler size....when I'm really talking about brain size. Immature bulls let their emotions get the better of em very easy. Not real hard to call in young bulls.

An old bull that's been around the that's a entirely different game. It's all about the intimacy for me. Matching wits....its a humbling thing.

Or them old mule deer that are in a spot for hours and when you wiggled in on em, they're just gone...vanished like a figment of imagination. Whitetail, bears, turkeys, all of em.

That's me. Everyone different thankfully enough.

With so much stuff being thrown out there. The intimacy of it gets forgot. From what I see anyway.

Believe there's a old old book that talks about gluttony. What we have is information gluttony....

Guess the whole point of my pontificating is that I feel bad for new folks getting most of their information off the inner web. So much to sift through. Compounded by everyone being in a hurry.
Really? Holy cats if you haven't seen the videos on "How to lace your boots", and "Putting gas in your rental car?", you haven't been paying attention. Or my favorite, "Antelope, for people who can't hunt anything else."

Fracking clowns insist on making a video on everything. What I would really like to see is the, "Shots we screwed up but won't show you because it will make us look like even bigger douchebags" series. No way they get all those in one YouTube segment.

Actually I did watched a Kennetrek video on how to lace your boots. I actually learned something from that one. It’s not as simple as you think.

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YouTube has replaced what Bowhunter, Field and Stream, Outdoor Life, and Eastman's Journal have been doing for years.

How do you think unit 2B in Rio Arriba county NM got screwed up with impossibility to draw before now?
It's the information age, if you are interested in learning something or fixing something there is absolutely no excuse these days. The information is out there, you just have to apply yourself and you can learn anything. You think it's bad for hunting...think about the plumbers, electricians, and ac techs and how much business they are losing.

The only wildcard is having the discernment to find the true experts in their field.

It's alot different than back when I was 12 years old with a deer hide in the freezer that I knew would never get tanned. I rode my bike to the library and rented a book on tanning hides. Got all of the ingredients and didn't tell my dad what I was doing. Got the hide fleshed and salted and used his igloo cooler to brine it in for a few days according to the instructions.

Long story short, I ruined both the hide and the cooler....the smell was hideous. Not only did I get a good wuppin but I had to buy a new cooler too.

The only difference these days is that you can do all of that without ever leaving the house...including buying the ingredients and replacing the cooler.
Actually I did watched a Kennetrek video on how to lace your boots. I actually learned something from that one. It’s not as simple as you think.

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Yep, if not right over left with....

I cannot be the only person that still laces my boots like I might have an inspection in the morning. Thank god for rough out leather and synthetic or I would probably polish the damn things too. 🤣
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Actually I did watched a Kennetrek video on how to lace your boots. I actually learned something from that one. It’s not as simple as you think.

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LOL. What I think? I think you need to watch the, "Walking, better options than one foot in front of the other?" video.
I think of it like the e-biker who breaks down further in they can ride under their own power. It will happen eventually when you cut corners and take the easiest path.
Field time trumps all. The internet does a great job at getting guys in the field and a poor job of teaching hunter etiquette. Take people under your wing if you can, and if you can’t… well they’re pretty easy to spot and out maneuver. Most of the time they are skylined, or up wind of the animals, or camping in a bedding area, or pushing animals toward you, or doing their interpretation of a bugle, or taking sunset pics during prime glassing hours, or looking at their phones, or parked behind you at a dead end gate with one clear cut and the 17 other guys that got there after you, or watching you pack your animal out while they’re on there way in lol. Lucky for us this is a great forum to educate, mentor and meet life long hunting partners.

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