Day six evo x reviews?

Oct 5, 2019
Anyone out there try the evo X out for accuracy? Not much info out, I have read the original evo x have excellent reviews. wondering if the x series are the same.
Yes, used the standard size in 100 grains, very comparable to IW and slighly less accurate for me then solids.
I think you will find them more then accepable at any reasonable hunting range.
Yes, used the standard size in 100 grains, very comparable to IW and slighly less accurate for me then solids.
I think you will find them more then accepable at any reasonable hunting range.
So you found the day six to be less accurate compared to the IW?
I tested the day six heads and they were not as accurate as the iron wills. Sold them to stay with IW.
Did you broadhead tune both heads? I find it hard to believe day six are less accurate when tuned

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I had a tuned set up with IW and screwed on the day sixes planning on maybe even keeping both and they were not as accurate, not even close. I'm sure I could have changed vanes and tune but IMO the IW is a better head design so I sold the day six. Order a pack and test em yourself that's exactly what I did.
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I had a tuned set up with IW and screwed on the day sixes planning on maybe even keeping both and they were not as accurate, not even close. I'm sure I could have changed vanes and tune but IMO the IW is a better head design so I sold the day six. Order a pack and test em yourself that's exactly what I did.
That’s interesting, I watched the born and raised outdoors guys on YouTube shoot them out of a spot hogg hooter shooter and they were in the top 3 for accuracy. I’m guessing arrow and fletching style can change results also.
Evo X will stick with your field points out to around 60yds when tuned appropriately, the 100gr Evo will hang around to about 80yds before that extra drag begins to kick in. Even the owner will never claim that they fly like field points, because they’re not field points. Both have been proven to be extremely accurate for a lot of guys last year. I’ve run both and will continue to carry both in my quiver this year depending on what situation I find myself in. My personal best is 4 animals with an Evo before I ended up giving it to a buddy of mine to check out. Just pulled it apart, stropped it a few times, reassembled and kept on letting it eat. Pretty impressive.

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Evo X will stick with your field points out to around 60yds when tuned appropriately, the 100gr Evo will hang around to about 80yds before that extra drag begins to kick in. Even the owner will never claim that they fly like field points, because they’re not field points. Both have been proven to be extremely accurate for a lot of guys last year. I’ve run both and will continue to carry both in my quiver this year depending on what situation I find myself in. My personal best is 4 animals with an Evo before I ended up giving it to a buddy of mine to check out. Just pulled it apart, stropped it a few times, reassembled and kept on letting it eat. Pretty impressive.

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That’s great info, thanks. I’m going to order some tonight to try out. How did you find yourself tuning them? Just moving sight or the rest? I have heard some guys saying the have to yoke tune these, I guess whatever works.
Many many different ways to skin a cat. I start with paper, shoot a bare shaft up close and make it’s a bullet hole. Then go back to 20, see where the bare shaft impacts relative to the fletched shaft. If they’re touching (or close, depending on skill level) then I throw on broadheads and let it rip. I typically have no adjusting required once the bow is bare shaft tuned.

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OP started a thread on AT asking for insight and i posted this pic, so i thought I’d share for the rest of the crew here. This was the Evo X exit, granted I do not honestly think blood trails have shit to do with your broadhead of choice but she piled up pretty quick as one would expect.

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They are a great head, and solid company to buy from…get a pack and kill something. you will be pleased
Up for more reviews of the Evo X

Probably gonna get in trouble but that’s for me to deal with lol this coastal squared 9-1/2 unfortunately while skinning a brown bear we weren’t exactly taking a whole lot of necropsy photos. Bear went 75yds and piled up. This was the last animal I was personally apart of that was killed with an X. It’s too windy in Wyoming to run it as a daily driver but for treestand whitetail, dark timber elk, and bear baits it is the head that I screw on. Obviously gonna be harder to tune than a standard Evo but that’s just the trade off of a big cut fixed blade


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I got Evo X's to fly well to 70 yards in excess of 290 fps.

No, they aren't as forgiving as a vented head, yes, for what they are, they fly very well.


They work, head was sent into a field full of river jack and sand. Sharpened back up well