

Dec 20, 2018
N/E Kansas
Anyone using a dashcam? Thinking of getting one, want both front & inside view, audio, gps with speed and do not need any radar/laser detection.

Do not want to go much over $100. Thanks in advance.
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I have used the Viofo models for the past 5 years or so, and currently the A129 Pro model with front and back cameras. No inside the vehicle view though. No issues, excellent quality footage, and easy to use.
I used a Vantrue that worked great before it was stolen. It’s $170 these days. Can’t say what is available at the $100 price point by them if anything. But i would buy from that company again based on my experience.
I want to do the same, not wanting audio tho.

Needs to store images in the cloud and on a chip.

Clark Howard has a bunch of info regarding dash cams
If you can find one with an app to put on your phone is pretty nice. No taking the card out and putting it in a computer each time you want to look at something.
WM had some on clearance a few years ago. I got on for like $12.00.
I have a viofo A129 front and rear. It's okay but probably better ones out there.

Last year, I was coming back from Lowes and came around a curve where a family of geese were in the middle of the other lane. A box truck was heading right for them and I was coming the other way. The mom and dad flew up between me and the incoming box truck while the babies stayed on the road. Amazingly, none got ran over as I played it back when I got home. Here is a screenshot of the moment myself and the box truck met.

I wish I had this cam back in 2019 when my buddy and I were elk hunting in CO. We had a mountain lion cross in front of us one night when we were headed to a diner after a hard day of hunting. Had to slam on the brakes as I almost hit it. That would've been cool to have one video.

geese screenshot.jpg
I’m following this thread with interest, including why folks get dashcams. I have a buddy who bought one and installed it in his brand new Toyota Land Cruiser. He got t-boned by 911 who ran a stop light and rolled in his Toyota. The 911 driver admitted fault but the camera caught the green light for my buddy. I will see if I can find and (figure out how to) post it.
I have a Roav, it was like 70 bucks and I’ve been very happy with it.

I bought it after my friend had some girl merge into the side of his fancy car. She was apologetic till the cops showed up and then tried to blame him. I bought one that night.

I’ve since captured some crazy videos. Drunk driver crash, big deer crossing the road. I’ve been giving out dash cams as gifts to friends
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Ive been using a Vantrue for several years and no issues
I will say it is wise to replace the micro sd every few months as a just in case
I've been thinking about this as well.
Front and rear camera.
Speedo camera.
Internal camera pointed at driver and drivers side window with mic.
No GPS though.

Counter insurance fraud and roadside revenue generation.