Darktimber Coffee

This sounds great, I'll be ordering soon. On a side note, are any of you guys heating your coffee on a cylinder stove or all with jet boil?
Sorry if this has been covered already, but what is the difference in the G4 and Colombian blend?
Tony, add me to the list of people that heard the podcast then submitted an order. I ordered one of everything. I'm hoping that I will like it without adding creamer like you guys were talking on the podcast. I pretty much drink creamer with a little Folgers added right now. My wife says it's more like drinking a dessert. Looking forward to trying your product out. Thanks for contributing to conservation with my order. That would be cool to see other companies follow your lead.
I ordered a pack of Ascent, would rather support a company like this than Starbucks even though my wife works for Kroger in a Starbucks kiosk, lol!
I love good coffee, fresh roasted beans, quality grinder and french press/espresso machine at home. However at work I drink the black crappy sludge black and enjoy that as well. So i won't call myself a coffee snob but I really appreciate a good cup. In the backcountry everything tastes good to me so I certainly do not need to spend money on this BUT I can only imagine what this stuff would taste like on the side of a mountain.

So Tony do you have any plans expanding to Canada? It would be awesome if Mountain Equipment Co-op here in Canada started carrying your coffee. Good luck and I hope to see Darktimber in Canada in the future.
I ordered a pack of Ascent, would rather support a company like this than Starbucks even though my wife works for Kroger in a Starbucks kiosk, lol!

I thought Starbucks was cool with open carry at one time? Seem to remember some pics....
Ordered the Columbia Ascent packs and a bag of G4 blend after to listening to the shoot n the bull podcast. Looking forward to giving it a try and supporting a conservation minded company.
Mine just arrived. G4 blend. Steeped it about a minute and a half longer than recommended as I preferred it a bit bolder than I got out of 3.5 minutes it is a great cup of coffee. I carry around an Altoids tin EDC and I'm going to see if I can sneak one of these in there. Sometimes the creature comforts of home can go a long way.

Tony, do you guys recommend squeezing the bag to extract the last bits of coffee out of it, or do you recommend not doing that?
Just ordered a bag of whole bean G4 and the Columbia ascent pack. Have a trip planned in July with the family so planning on testing the ascent out during the week on the road

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So it's taking about 2 weeks for delivery? Is there a 'roasted on' date on the package?

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Just got a shipping notice. Only took a couple days after ordering for me

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This is a great idea. Haven't tried any yet, but have some coming. Plus 10% of your purchase goes to BHA, TRCP or a steelhead conservation.


well, I want to try some of this fine sounding coffee but the URL takes me to the homepage but when I attempt to click the "enter" button on the webpage I get nothing,,,nada,,,,I tried doing an "open in new tab", "open in new window",,,nothing - it appears active as it lights up when my mouse hits it, but won't open a new page,,,,,

reckon the server is busy or some such,,,I'll try again later
well, I want to try some of this fine sounding coffee but the URL takes me to the homepage but when I attempt to click the "enter" button on the webpage I get nothing,,,nada,,,,I tried doing an "open in new tab", "open in new window",,,nothing - it appears active as it lights up when my mouse hits it, but won't open a new page,,,,,

reckon the server is busy or some such,,,I'll try again later

Internet explorer seemed to do that on my work computer but then switching to google chrome it was fine.

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