Scariest moose encounter for me was around 1992 or 93. Brother Bob and I took our horses into the Lee Metcalf spring bear hunting, dismounted, tied the horse to a couple of trees about ten yards apart, then walked 40-50 yards to the edge of the ridge and glassed for 30 minutes (+/-). When we headed back to the horses a cow moose stood up from behind a bush and proceeded to chase both of us back over the ridge. We spent the next hour trying to get back to our horses. Everytime we got within 50 yards she would charge us. We both had sidearms but didn’t want to harm the mother we figured was protecting her calf. We split up and one of us would try to distract her while the other one went for the horses. She would run back and forth, charging the closet person to the bush that was five yards in front of Mr. Ed & Buddy. Finally she decided she was going to stomp me and kept coming. I managed to place an one foot diameter tree between me and her, then proceeded to play ring around the tree a few times before she realized Brother Bob had made it past the bush and to our horses. He got on Buddy and was able to out run her while Mr. Ed ran off. I skidaddled ( I don’t think that is actually a real word) around the hill chasing Ed. Bob saw her calf while running past the bush to Buddy. It was kind of screwy day, we had two other encounters with different cow moose with a new born calf that day. Bluff charges to about 20-30 yards.