Recommendations for guided moose hunt - looking for 70 inch moose

Seen some giants come out of the Koyukuk and Huslia river drainages.
You need to be selective and pass up plenty of smaller moose and have the time to hunt. 3 days to get there, 3 days back. And add in 2 weeks of hunting.

IMO if you are hung up on a number it doesn't make a good start for any hunt.
that is the main difference between meat hunter and the trophy hunter. i m pretty sure like me you think the antler soup is not that good lol
The Lower Yukon/Kuskokwim zone and eastern interior are kicking out the biggest moose in AK these days. The density in eastern interior isn't as good as it once was after some hard winters and a rebound in predator populations. This area does continue to produce consistently large bulls.

The Y/K zone has a ton of animals overall and the right combination of genes and abundant food to grow big bulls. I that this area is attracting the most attention in the state right now and services are all priced accordingly.

Personally I don't get hung up on antler spread on moose. That is just one metric to measure or appreciate antlers. I would much, much rather have a smaller inside spread with a lot more antler mass and character (wide & tall paddles, massive palmated brows, etc) than a spindly but wide moose. I used to be really focused on the spread number as representative of the class of the animal, but I don't really think about moose racks like that anymore.

Most of my moose mentors tend to focus on total inches of antler in additional to the "look" of the animal when sizing them up. In a perfect world, you'd get a crack at one with all of these things, width, mass, etc. but as others have pointed out, that isn't an easy thing to find.

A couple of the more reputable guides that operate in the central part of the state reliably kill some very big bulls, McGrath area. The two biggest sets of antlers I've ever had hands on were both wolf kills in Denali National Park. One was 83" wide and had everything a moose hunter dreams about.
Yep, there is atleast one transporter charging the same for a diy hunt. It was a very good deal with a great shot at 60" bull and possibly much larger.

prices are already high enough with long wait lists......
Pm me, one of my buddies is a guide and he got 3 70+ this season

Thats a 76 they got last week

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Do you have 30k to spend on a moose hunt? I know a group that does this every year it seems but you gotta pay to play. They watch the moose for a few yrs then go after them.
For a number hunter or a “spread cheese” as we sometimes call it I would go straight to the copper river delta. The moose there are different. Not a lot of Alaskans know this. It’s an ugly place rarely visited. You live in chest waders and it’s an alder jungle but the moose…mercy the moose are WIDE down there. I think Yakutat area puts out bulls like this as well. Sam fejes had a lodge down there and constantly put out the biggest moose for Alaska professional hunters assoc.

Good moose numbers out west. Renfro and such. 70” can happen anywhere. Even in anchorage. Lol