Looking for opinions of this pack, I found one that is in my price range and is the proper fit. Has anyone ever used one before or something comparable.
I have a lot of miles under a Bozeman made Terraplane and still think it is a very fine backpack. I have other packs that I use for hunting though.
I like Dana packs enough to have recently picked up an unused TerraFRAME to experiment with. This pack was made outside the USA but the quality is still good.
If the price is reasonable and the pack meets your intended purpose, go for it.
That's a great pack...I have both a Big Horn and a Shortbed and both are outstanding packs for their applicacations. For me, the internal frame packs just don't compress down tight enough to use as a day pack which is a necessity for a hunting pack IMO.
The one for 255 has 18 dollars shipping. Apparently it's darn near new. The 99 one dollar one I looked at but it has a rip, I'm sure I could patch it though without any issues.
Seems like 283 is a reasonable price considering what these packs sell for.
I wanna use this to bivy hunt out of for 4-5 days. Seems like I can get a much better quality pack by buying a dedicated backpacking pack that has been used rather than a used kifaru, eberlestock or BL 4500.
also check out rei xt85, like $300 new and luke recommended i check it out when i was having fits with my pack, i tried it on in store and it seemed solid, aron gave it a good review..