Dall Sheep 2013 Roll Call!

Wrangells on Aug 30 for sheep/goat combo. Eight days of ice, rock, critters and adventure. My wife is going with me.


Hope to hear a recap story on that one Thomas!!! Please share even if its just PM or I'll send ya my email....hope you and your wife have some great weather, good times, and hopefully find an animal or two to take home!
Not in sheep shape, but am in the best shape I've been in over the last 14 years. 60 to 65 pounds lighter will have to do.

My hard copy of the permit is in hand.

All gear was sorted weeks ago. I packed it all up and total weight was 43 pounds. So some extra food and maybe ... I don't know, something.

Headed to Tok on the 8th and flying the next day.
8 days to go before my first backpack hunt. Headed into the Northern Mackenzie Mountains for Dall sheep and possibly a mountain caribou. I have done a couple of dry runs packing up all my gear and I am sitting right about 60 lbs for a 10 day hunt.

Best of luck to all others who are headed into the mountains as well.
I'm wandering into sheep country. I'll have a good caribou tag in my pocket and I've already got a few rams. So my packing friend gets first crack at any legal ram. I'll have a sheep tag too.
Flying in on the 7th, packed, re-packed, packed again. Eating ice cream and drinking beer, putting on extra weight to help supplement my Mountain House and oatmeal : )
My dream comes true Aug. 20-Sept.1. Brooks range. Following my grandfathers footsteps. He hunted the Brooks in 1968. I've been looking at his ram hanging in my parent's house and now mine for 43 years. Time to get one of my own to put beside it.
I am excited for my first trip to Alaska. It has been a dream of mine to hunt the Brooks range. Here I go for Dall Sheep/Grizzly combo. This is truly unbelieveable to think I am doing something I dreamed about for 30 years! August 7th my flight from New Jersey puts me in Fairbanks at 4:30pm. Off to Coldfoot on the 8th and hopefully into the Brooks on the same day. Lets hope for good weather to travel in and good luck and stay safe to everyone searching for that elusive Dall ram of the north! JJ
Best of luck to everyone. It truley is a once in a lifetime experience for most of us. I feel blessed to been able to accomplish that goal a few years ago.
Safe travels to all, and come back with some great memories, and some nice rams!Max Sheep Hunt 184.jpg
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Work has sucked this year and has been spotty at best so if I have work at all that's what I will have to be doing unfortunately right now work is scheduled to have me in Fairbanks Aug 5 for @ 2 weeks and back in Alakanuk the end of august beginning of sept. Not awesome, has me thinking about finding a slope job, or something a little more stable as far as hours and pay go. If I do get time I am definitely head up the mountains though they will be close to home and longshots on shootable sheep but it might be all I get.
... or it could be snowing in the sheep mtns next week! Haul road got 6 inches fresh on the pass last Aug 7th.
Heck I got snowed in during the solstice at only 4000' last year. So long as there is visibility to see the mountains I can't complain about teh weather too much...its the dang fog/clouds that'll temper things the most :(