CWD possible for humans to contract

Given that the majority of USDA's funding goes to food stamps and welfare that must be one big money special interest. I wonder who's lobbying for them. But you're right about one thing.....the USDA and their lobbyists don't give a crap about's all about power.

Politicians that want to maintain their dependent voter base.
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Anyone else find it peculiar that many are scared of CWD but think nothing of having their kids play football or other contact sports and don’t talk about CTE?
Depends on the person I guess. I'm not afraid of that either and hope that all four of my boys want to play football.

If you get past the propaganda the link between football and CTE is pretty weak.
And if you get past the propaganda, the link between humans and CWD is pretty weak.

True as well. Fear of the unknown. People get all twisted up over things like this yet don't even give a second thought to jumping in a car and driving. Hands down the single most dangerous thing just about everyone does on a daily basis.
People get all twisted up over things like this yet don't even give a second thought to jumping in a car and driving. Hands down the single most dangerous thing just about everyone does on a daily basis.

True, and getting more so every day. They were just asking on the news the other night "why there have been so many traffic accidents and deaths here in the last year". They're wondering if legal marijuana is to blame.

I've been complaining for the past 12 years that we've lived here, that people just have no friggun clue how to drive. Then you add some marijuana, some alcohol, the cell phones, and the exponentially growing population here on top of the 90+ percent of the drivers that have no clue how to drive.......and it's a recipe for disaster, and getting worse.

They posted a statistic of 3400 accidents on I-25 in the last year..........just between Denver and Monument, about a 40 mile stretch. That's an average of over 9 every single day of the year. That's insane!
Heard a stat yesterday on the radio that 86% of people text, email, facebook etc on their cell phones when driving.
Heard a stat yesterday on the radio that 86% of people text, email, facebook etc on their cell phones when driving.

I look over at every single car that I pass whether in town or on the highway, and I'd guess that's pretty accurate. Sometimes closer to 100%. It's obvious that these people aren't trying to actually get somewhere.......just clogging up the roads while they do their cellphone thing that they could do at home.