Cut the cable. What now?

Aug 4, 2014
Phoenix, Az
I told Direct TV to shove it, so now I need to find an alternative. I picked up a digital antenna and it has some channels. I was wondering which one of the streaming devices have free channels or has a good deal for the amount of channels you receive. After calling direct tv every 6 months to get another "promotional price" they decided there were no more promotions and I now needed to pay almost 100$ a month. That is about 3 times more than I am willing to spend, haha. So what are all of you guys using?
Cut the cabe three years ago. Purchased a Roku and with Amazon Prime and Netflix plenty of sations. Family TV time is down a lot. Read a lot more and listen to a bunch of podcasts.

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I haven't had cable my entire adult life, about 11 years. I watch Netflix and amazon prime video. Between the two there is a TON of programs to watch.
Thanks for the suggestions. I workout more than most already, really do not enjoy reading all that much and do not watch a whole lot of T.V. I have a family that enjoys an hour or 2 of T.V. a night. I am thinking that Roku might fit the bill, but figured I'd see what works for everyone else before starting another service.
I have a digital antenna and roku and really like it. Amazon Prime and YouTube are all I need. I watch about a half hour a week and let the kids watch pbs cartoons in the am and it works for us.

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Thanks for the suggestions. I workout more than most already, really do not enjoy reading all that much and do not watch a whole lot of T.V. I have a family that enjoys an hour or 2 of T.V. a night. I am thinking that Roku might fit the bill, but figured I'd see what works for everyone else before starting another service.


This is jus some of the kind of reading that I enjoy!

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Sling. Combined with a good digital antenna, you should be set. I'm a college football fan and I need ESPN and some other stations to catch games. As soon as the season is over, I turn off those stations and pay less. I think I pay $20/month for TV. Combined with Amazon Prime, I have all I need. If you have a laptop and HDMI connection, pull up Sling on your laptop and then push to the TV via HDMI cable. No need to buy a Roku or Apple TV.

FWIW, I took down my dish and clamped my antenna to the same pole. This allowed me to hook into the existing coaxial cable that goes to the house. If you dig around online looking for your local public tv station, they should give you the orientation to point your antenna for most stations.
Google "kodi". It's kind of an app you install on your fire stick. I think you can install it on some gaming systems too, but not sure. It takes some getting used to but it has tons of stuff. Movies still in theaters, series of all kinds, can even live stream sports. It's hit and miss with certain things, but hey, it's free. Don't know how it works, and don't know if I want to know how it works. We haven't had a TV provider for a number of years, but we hardly turn the thing on anyway. My 3 year old gets a quick show before bed and maybe we get to watch a movie on the weekend (which usually means me falling asleep on the couch 20 minutes in....).
For those that have a digital antenna, go to TV Fool
Enter your address and antenna height and it will show you which directions channels are located and distance.

I cut the cable a couple years ago. But Im slowly finding out that antennas on your roof are 'seasonal' - meaning heat/cold and even leaves can reduce the signal.
Sure its 'free'' but it still come with headaches

Im getting promotional letters from my cable provider now - internet AND cable for $73
Since Im already paying $61 for just internet, another $12 for cable seems doable
We cut our cable and internet to save money about a year ago. It was about $80 a month and we just weren't happy with the content coming down the line.

We have a box set of The Office that we watch constantly. Might get a redbox movie twice a month.

We got a digital antenna before we ever had cable and it hasn't really worked at all for us. If I was going to do anything I would lean toward HULU because I could get it as a part of my spotify membership for an extra $5 a month.

Netflix has a bunch of good content and you can share subscriptions among a few people.
We have Amazon prime mainly for the shipping. We also use Hulu and Netflix. We were able to get most of our local channels, the ones we watched anyway, with Hulu. Meateater just needs to get some more episodes on Netflix! Also assuming you’re using a smart TV if you download the YouTube app you can watch a lot of Randy Newberg and born and raised outdoors.
I haven't had cable for 7 months. Watch tv less than 4 hours a week. Too much other stuff to do. That said, Netflix and YouTube cover WAY more hours of tv then I could ever imagine watching.
We have the Roku and a digital antenna.

Pay for internet.

Mooch off the in-laws accounts for Netflix, Amazon, and HBO. Friends parents gave us their login for direct TV so we have access to live TV when there are certain events we want to watch; just download their app and login.

Pretty good system that we've been using for the last 18 months!

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