Do game cameras hold value, I am looking to move a used 4-pack of cuddelinks, link only, no cell. just not sure what to ask for them, i only used them for 2-months. any help would be appreciated.
From everything I've seen usually on a 4 pack that's in good condition with the D battery packs, there should be no problem getting 650.
Why are you getting rid of them? I love mine.
Ahh. I see, if its any help, the first year was kind of stressful for me to get used to using them, after that it was super easy. I love them for our properties that we don't want to be walking in all the time.
Do a search on eBay for that camera model. On PC or app, there's a way to filter results, look for that and select "More Options". There is a checkbox to select for "SOLD ITEMS". That will display auctions that ended resulting in that sold item. Works well! Quite a range of prices for items. Usually gets my hopes up.