Crossing Canda border

Don’t forget your 4457 form (US CUSTOMS) on your firearm prior to entering Canada. This use to not be a big deal, but it can be a giant pain in the ass that takes minutes at a US customs office. This is to get your gun back in US.

Get an outfitter contract, and have a copy of it with you. They might not care, or they might want it. I got away with it, until I didn't, and it turned out to be a big ordeal. As time goes on, they have taken bringing legal guns into Canada more and more seriously.

I have had a much easier crossing at smaller border crossings in SK and AB. These agents are usually hunters or much more familiar with it. Freeway crossings or crossings open 24-7 usually come with more anti-gun big city libs that don’t like hunting.
That's weird that long ago. I had a dui in 1991. Didn't hunt Canada till 2008 I believe. No problem getting through.
Who told you this? Where would you he crossing border?
Apparently the Canadian law changed a couple of years ago, like 2018 or so. By Orange County standards it's like it didn't happen it's so old. Canada now requires proof of rehabilitation and that you completed everything. I live in Kansas City now and would either have to go to O.C. myself or hire a representative (attorney) to get the documents out of archives.
Changed in 2018...a change that happened is even for very old DUI you're no longer considered automatic rehabilitated.

Crazy how hard it is to get into Canada, and how easy it is to get into US.
It's brutal even as a Canadian returning home.

The US border folks are always so pleasant! Checking our passports and we're on our way.

The Canadian side, my word. It's just a bunch of school snacks and a couple cases of cheap beer. Such a production just to go home. Luckily they've not stripped the truck down. I even have a Nexus card for crying out loud!
Changed in 2018...a change that happened is even for very old DUI you're no longer considered automatic rehabilitated.

Asking for a friend ……….. did you happen to go through a diversion ? Supposedly at least here that is supposed to wipe it off your record. The fact that my insurance still saw it for many many years leads me to believe that isn’t true.
Asking for a friend ……….. did you happen to go through a diversion ? Supposedly at least here that is supposed to wipe it off your record. The fact that my insurance still saw it for many many years leads me to believe that isn’t true.
You need proof you completed it. For me to dig up proof isn't easy since I don't live in that state.
What if you’re not using an outfitter and you’re going DIY? We're just planning to bring rifles and no handguns.
I am no expert but I thought CA required all nonresident hunting to be with a guide.
As stated above 4457 form makes entering back into USA a lot easier if they ask. Just returned from Nunavut musk ox hunt, major hassle since I didn’t have a current one with the rifle I took, had to fill out a shortened version, heard the speech about confiscation etc.
Been thru dozens of times, have only needed the 4457 twice, but will bring from now on.
Are you saying that people hunting in CA need to be with a guide, or that CA resident’s hunting in Alaska need to with a guide?
I don't know anything about Canadian residents hunting in Alaska I thought the comment was about US residents hunting do it yourself in Canada from all that I've read you cannot do that.
I don't know anything about Canadian residents hunting in Alaska I thought the comment was about US residents hunting do it yourself in Canada from all that I've read you cannot do that.
Ok, thanks for clarifying. I’m just passing through Canada to do a DIY hunt in Alaska and was curious about issues I might encounter with regard to the Canadian border.
I’m also planning a trip to Alaska this year and I plan to drive and cross the Canadian border. Aside from the firearm/ammo issue, is there any types of foods that they frown upon? I plan to bring Mountain House type of meals and dry foods along with water and soda. Any issues with any of those items?

That should all be fine.

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What if you’re not using an outfitter and you’re going DIY? We're just planning to bring rifles and no handguns.
What province? I’m in Sask and I’m pretty sure all Americans up here need a licensed guide.
What province? I’m in Sask and I’m pretty sure all Americans up here need a licensed guide.
We’re not hunting in Canada. We’re just passing through Canada to hunt Alaska. I was just curious about what hiccups we may have in crossing the border with rifles and ammo. I was also curious about any food we may have that might raise a red flag.
As pointed out, a DUI can be a real issue.

Foods - nothing fresh, just packaged foods, & you should be OK.

A couple years ago we were in line to cross into Canada...a single line, maybe a dozen vehicles. Two in front of us was a pickup hauling a fishing boat. Those guys thought that they would use the wait time productively; they just could not sit still to save their freaking lives. In and out of the vehicle, moving stuff from the truck to the boat and back, chatting standing next to the vehicle. You'd have thought they were tailgating. This went on for about 30 minutes, all in sight of every customs agent there.

We watched it thinking that they might as well have hung a neon sign saying "SEARCH US!"

And so it was; they got to park in the special place where they were getting all sorts of attention that they had basically asked for by being numbskulls.

The customs agents have tremendous latitude in how they deal with you...
Entering Canada has never been much of a problem for me. Living in MT, I have been up there dozens of times over the years fishing, hunting, and skiing. I've never had an issue with the Canadians, and I can't remember one being so much as rude.

Coming back is another story. CBP are the biggest a-holes you'll ever run across as a group. They will make sure and try to ruin your day on the northern border while facilitating thousands of illegals coming through at the southern border. They are the quintessential example of the kind of person who gets intoxicated by power and has no problem wielding it like a bully.
Are you saying that people hunting in CA need to be with a guide, or that CA resident’s hunting in Alaska need to with a guide?
we cant anymore hunting without a guide in alaska at least for big game. luckily they still honour the fishing license at the same cost as AK residents for the yukoners.
Crazy how hard it is to get into Canada, and how easy it is to get into US.

It's brutal even as a Canadian returning home.

The US border folks are always so pleasant! Checking our passports and we're on our way.

The Canadian side, my word. It's just a bunch of school snacks and a couple cases of cheap beer. Such a production just to go home. Luckily they've not stripped the truck down. I even have a Nexus card for crying out loud!
funny i found out the same when coming from alaska to the Yukon that was even more interesting when we used to bring handguns with us. now too much hassle on the canadian side.