Crossfit Level 1 Certification complete!

Congrats on the cert! That is awesome.

I have been doing CF on my own for the last two weeks or so. I found a forum online that gives the daily WODs, and sometimes, I will just make up my own. I'm 50 miles away from the nearest box, so I don't formally belong to one, but man, I love it. I am challenged everytime I go out. I was pretty pumped up the other day as I completed my first PUPPY WOD without having to stop. Five rounds of five exercises. Even though it was PUPPY, I was still happy. Not keeping time yet because I'm just trying to complete them, and I know that the times would be horrible, but I am feeling stonger than I have felt in a long time. I did my deadlift to 300lbs this morning. Haven't done that since high school.