crocs or lightweight trail runners for camp shoes when backpacking in?

I use Crocs and I'm proud of it. I like to be able to let my boots dry sometimes and it is really nice to be able to get out of the tent in the morning and just slip on the Crocs instead of having to lace up my boots.
I made a pair of flip flops out of cheap sleeping pad foam, from Walmart and duct tape. For under ten bucks you can have camp shoes that weigh 2oz. Only thing is they are gayer then flip flops or crocs so be ready to get ragged on.
I guess I'm with the minority here. I just take my boots and nothing else. I don't spend much time at "camp" just enough to eat and then into bed I go. When glassing sometimes I will take my boots off but I never felt the need to put anything on while I was letting my feet breath. I can see how camp shoes would be nice but I'm just not hunting long enough to feel I need to use them. I understand some people but on the sneakers for stalks but I rifle hunt so that isn't a concern for me.
New balance minimus trails or crocs or even 5 fingers. I used 5 fingers last year and I love em. If you go with five fingers or new balance you can use them for stalks as well. I dont know how I'd feel stalking in crocs
I picked up some sanuks and they are crazy comfortable. I think the pair come in close to 1 lb I went with camo pickpockets Ill definetly be throwing them in the pack this season. I was in the ocean with them a month or so ago and they dried fast afterward and breathe great.

You are right these things are the ticket!!

They are extremely light
Crocs for me too. Can't beat the comfort and they don't stay wet so you can use them for creek crossings as well. Better to strap on a pair of them for a creek crossing then risk cutting your foot and ruining the trip.
If I'm packing in extra shoes, I want to be able to wear them for something more than just walking around camp. I'm currently experimenting with a pair of Brooks Pure Drift shoes. They weight 6.2 oz per shoe according to my scale, and I think I'll be able to use them to actually hunt in. They have a combo bottom that is part rubber and some foam like material. Last year I took my daughter on a few scouting trips with me, and I couldn't believe how quiet her shoes were. They had the same type of material.
I think I'm going to go with a pair of new balance minimus trail shoes this year. I used crocs for camp shoes last year and while they are comfy they sucked for anything but camp shoes. Plus all I do in camp is eat and go to sleep. I hardly ever remembered to wear them in camp anyway. I want shoes that can double for stalks and creek crossings. The new balance minimus are lighter and more compact than crocs as well.
any of you guys running NB minimus have them blow out yet? 6mo in and mine are toast, both shoes blown out near pinky toes. gonna try to return them...

Haven't hike, but I never hike in mine. They are scrictly camp shoes/creek crossing shoes so I expect them to last quite a while
I was going to buy the nuthinz, but with shipping they came out to $38. Zappos has Croc Caymans for $25 Tyd and they weigh 7oz each so I just went with them instead. Idk why I hadn't thought of a shoe like this for creek crossings before. Brilliant idea whoever posted that earlier in the thread!