Critique My Menu

Aug 15, 2012
SW Utah
Hi All,

I portioned out some meals for October this afternoon and came up with the following:


This ends up right around 3000 calories and 1lb 10z.

I might drop the granola for some tortillas/bagel and cheese. Any other issues you see or suggestions?

Thanks for your input!
Jul 27, 2021
I would keep the granola, Last year we. Had a day situation where we left the place we stayed at on a antelope hunt way before breakfast time so there were bag breakfasts so to speak in which was a raw bagel and a pack of peanut butter, and a apple, needless to say day two the bags were left behind. If you really want to ditch the granola I suggest dried fruit such as apple,pears or dates that sort of stuff. I also like trail mix but not the store bought stuff make your own that way you control the mix, also I like a packet OF ALMOND BUTTER AND SODA CRACKERS, THE SODA CRACKERS ARE TOUGHER THAN REGULAR CRACKERS AND HOLD UP BETTER IN A PACK. Look around your local grocery store there’s all sorts of things you can do if you think on it a bit.