Crispi Nevada vs Lathrop and Sons Mountain Hunter


Jan 5, 2018
Hey all, I am going to be taking the plunge on some premium boots for next year. I wanted to start the process ahead of time and I figured many hardcore hunters would be frequenting this site now. The Crispis have my attention and I have yet to see a bad review on the the Lathrop boots (especially with the custom footbed). Right now I have some La Sportivas and Im having a hard time getting comfortable with them. The hunts I have planned range from NM elk, AZ coues, to hopefully the Yukon. I should be able to get by without insulation. If I feel I need it Ill pick up another pair. Whats everyones thoughts?
For those types of hunts, the Crispis are great. Add in sheep and goats and I’d want the stiffer, more rugged L&S boot. My Nevada’s are my favorite “all around” boot, but I don’t use them for sheep and goat hunts.
For those types of hunts, the Crispis are great. Add in sheep and goats and I’d want the stiffer, more rugged L&S boot. My Nevada’s are my favorite “all around” boot, but I don’t use them for sheep and goat hunts.

What would you compare the L&S stiffness too? The 3, 4, or 5 of Crispi?
For those types of hunts, the Crispis are great. Add in sheep and goats and I’d want the stiffer, more rugged L&S boot. My Nevada’s are my favorite “all around” boot, but I don’t use them for sheep and goat hunts.
How do you like the ankle support in the nevada?

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I have the Crispi Summits. Crispi calls them a 3 flex. Using that as a guide I would say my L&S Mountain Hunters would be closer to a 5 flex on the Crispi scale. I think my L&S Mountain Hunters are stiffer than my Kennetrek Mountain Extremes.
I think the L&S boot is at least as stiff as Crispi’s stiffest Briksdal.

The ankle support for me on the Nevada’s is fine as I don’t require a super high boot. Where my Nevada’s fail me in the steep stuff is sidehilling. I just don’t think they’re stiff enough for me. I’m a bigger guy at 6’2, 230 and maybe that is why. Love the Nevada’s fo general use though.
I find the ankle support sufficient. The way I lace mine the ankle/heel area are basically locked in. I find the Nevada decent for side hilling. I’m 6’1” 250lbs or so. As always, everyone is built so different, good luck.