Creepy experiences in the backcountry

More weird than creepy....

I was scouting my upcoming elk unit last week with a buddy. We were on a motorcycle trail on his fat tire bikes with him out in front.

Lightning fast, A big badger attacked my buddy in front, grabbed at his boot, bit the peg and tried to bit his tire. My buddy skidded to a stop and the badger stopped attacking and dashed for its hole 30 feet in front of us right in the middle of the road. Probably a mama protecting its babies.

I'm glad it was him as no way I would have been able to stay upright on that bike with a badger tugging on me.

We drove over the badger hole without incident.
Wasnt me, but it happened to someone i trust a lot. He was out mushroom hunting this past spring in the crazy mountains and came across a bard owl baby sitting in the middle of a clearing on a tree stump. He came back a little later and it was still just sitting there. He basically stopped and watched it from afar for a few hours hoping a parent would come or if not he could scare off a predator. Got dark and decided its parent had been killed and he was going to take it back to town and bring it to the raptor conservation center.

He gets back on the trail and makes it part way down the old road hes on. All of a sudden a softball sized rock comes flying in from sidways off the trail that he ducks and hits a tree behind him. He looks around and doesnt see anything. His dog whos tough looks around and takes off running down the trail towards the car. He draws his gun fires a shot at the woods and takes off running.

He gave the baby owl to the raptor people who said they hadnt seen a bard owl in those mountains in years. He said hes not ever going back in that side of the mountains.
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So I've been chewing on this one for a while.

I've been hunting an area which certainly has religious significance to indigenous peoples. It's beautiful, magic, wild place. There is certainly millenia of human history here, millions of yearsof geology. I feel honored to be able to hunt here.

I've done several solo trips which going into the back country by your self is spooky enough. My first solo trip ever i witnessed a flying vehicle with a spot light shining down around the Bluffs, now this could have been a search and rescue helicopter, but it didn't have any tail lights. It made me uneasy but was probably explainable. Ok no big deal.

I some how drew the same tag the next year. Which is usually takes 7+ points .

This time I'm sleeping in my truck. I doze off in the back seat. I'm deep asleep. Suddenly I feel the truck start to shake. I open my eyes and world is the same but with a bright blue gray light coming from the sky. Best way i can describe it is the upside down in stranger things, I was in a tractor beam from the heavens. I could see every detail of pickup, the trees, land scape around me. I feel like I'm stuck in this light for maybe 10 minutes trying to figure out what is going on. I start to panic. I say to my self... wake up! Wake Up! WAKE UP!

I pop up conscious, the moon is bright, every thing is exactly as it should be, exactly the same without the blue tractor beam. The pickup, the trees, the landscape. Exactly the same, but normal.

Idk it was probably just a dream with my eyes open. Overly tired, alone, excited and slightly scared. But i can't help to think that it was maybe more then just that.

I still hunt this area, but I be sure to pray and ask God for permission, and it's been very rewarding to me, giving me several animals. But I felt like it was some kind a warning and also a welcoming.

It's my favorite place in world. I can't wait to go back, and it also scares the hell out of me.
We kyacked in Lake Superior that was like being in the ocean.

Take a cruise and you will realize how large the planet is.
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If you do it right, you get reminded of how small you are out on the big blue.

I've had a whale breach just a few feet behind me while in my kayak. Kayak fishing in the ocean is about as much fun as I can possibly have. Ab diving was fun til it got shut down. When I first started kayaking in the ocean I felt I little suspectable to the white sharks, but I'll say after getting out of the water and back onto my yak after a dive, I feel much safer.

I was on a six pack, 65 miles off shore fishing for tuna. I was manning the wheel while the captain set lines. There was a massive stump bobbing around out there. 20' tall 12' wide. I pointed it out, one of the people on the boat said, wow that would put a dent in this boat. I responded, that would sink this boat.... It was really quiet for awhile after.
Dreams are crazy things. I've had dreams where I was madly in love with someone and it took me like half the next day to lose that feeling of intense love finally.

Wow. That’s wild. Yes, they are very strange things. I’ve woken up crying due to sadness in a dream many times - plenty when I was a kid. Most surrounded something happening to my dad.

My cousin and I seem to be the most vivid dreamers in the family. It’s odd that we are double-first cousins too. My dad’s brother married my mom’s sister. We have had a lot of freaky coincidental events throughout our lives. Just the other day I saw a nice blue Jaguar e-type and sent him a pic of it. He sent back a pic of an identical blue e-type he took a pic of the day before. We live 3000 miles apart. Weird stuff like that.

When I was 12 (1990) I was at my parent’s condo at the lake of the ozarks. I would often go down to the docks and go fishing late at night after my folks went to bed. There was a rundown old house right next to the complex that had a nasty old dock that was barely floating at this point. If you stepped on it, hell, if you as much as shifter your weight while standing on it, it made all kinds of noise and rocked back and forth. But damn you could catch crappie on it like nowhere else.

So on this night I had gone down to fish and was there for a half hour and it was a dead quiet, beautiful, calm night to be fishing. When suddenly the calm silence is broken with my dad’s voice. He calmly, but chillingly tells me to turn around and come to him right now. He is up on the bank about 30 yards from me and I can tell something is wrong. As I turn around I see him over my left shoulder about 20’ behind me. There was a man, a dirty, massove hillbilly of a man just staring at me. He locked eyes with me and stared at me the whole way as I walked by him to my dad. When I got to my dad, my dad walked backwards while that guy started at me the whole way. My dad called the cops, but when they got there he was gone.

How that guy got on that dock without. me knowing it, I have no clue. That dock was falling apart and you could not move on it without it creaking and rocking. It was very clear he was there to do me harm. The crazy thing is that my old man NEVER came down to check on me when I was fishing before. I asked him what made him come down that night and he said he woke up and just had a terrible feeling that something was wrong. He said he got up in a panic and came down and as he approached he saw that guy behind me and was never so scared as he was in that moment. I still absolutely have nightmares of that guy staring at me as I walked by him. I will never forget how he smelled as I passed him. It was the strongest cigarette smoker smell I’ve ever smelled.”
A lot of those kinds of houses are not actually abandoned. And the inhabitants will live off canned food and make mountains of cigarette butts. He might have watched you 20 times. Probably a good fishing spot because his toilet was the end of the dock.
Around 2010, when all the cartels where in the news from killing people, my dad and I where on a friends farm south of Pecos,Tx. We wanted to shoot some pigs that had been rooting in the cotton field. We sat along the fence till midnight then went back to the camper. The next morning before the sun came up we went back and there were 4 sets of foot prints over our tire tracks. Illegals had come through after we left. It’s over 80miles from the border as a crow flys. Really makes you wonder where they drug mules or just people coming for work? Glad we never found out!
He gets back on the trail and makes it part way down the old road hes on. All of a sudden a softball sized rock comes flying in from sidways off the trail that he ducks and hits a tree behind him. He looks around and doesnt see anything. His dog whos tough looks around and takes off running down the trail towards the car. He draws his gun fires a shot at the woods and takes off running.
Firing blindly into the bushes? I wouldn't trust him any further than I can throw a softball sized rock.
Brother and I walked down to a creek to fill up on water about 3/4 mile below camp. Started getting dark on our way back and saw what we thought was a deer walking toward us. Was a mountain lion at about 200 yards away. Slowly walking toward us. We walked with a pep in our step back to the tent. Constantly looking behind us.

One month later we were hunting in another state and bugling by a meadow surrounded by trees. We walked across the meadow to the other side and, again there was a tan body, about 10 yards away this time. Thought it was a deer til it poked its head down in view and was a lion staring right at us. Smaller one that spooked immediately but still caught us by surprise. Was probably watching us for 30 minutes!
I was fishing with a friend. We were walking through a small creek in the shallows. He has a squeaky voice and he can talk loud. I was thinking to myself, chuck, you're going to call in a lion with that voice. Seconds later I rounded the bend and a massive lion casually crossed the creek at 35 yards turned his head and looked at me and slipped up the other side. He never broke stride. We had no weapons of any kind. All I could do was stop walking and try my hardest to not show fear. after that, I never leave home without a gun
Alright pretty new here and my first post but here's a bump and a story or two. For a little background as a kid I was very outdoorsy. I hunted daily by myself and at one point thought I annihilated the rabbit population.

Also sorry for my writing ability and I hope it's easy to follow.

Okay, when I was a teen 14-15ish I was grounded a lot. As I wasn't allowed to do anything I'd read books fairly constantly and was used to staying up late during summer breaks from school and what not.

Anyways here I am it's about 2am and I'm sitting in the couch reading away. All of a sudden the room just went cold and my arms hair stands up on end. I jerk my head up and have no idea why I am feeling the way I am and suddenly catch a glimpse of movement.

The figure is basically what we saw in 411 with the female hunter in the tree stand. The best way I described it was it's body looked like an evaporation effect you'd see off in a distance on a hot day.

This figure was 15ft away walking down a hall towards me. It was in between me and my mom and sister and I was terrified. There was no way to get to them and for some reason I was too scared to think of yelling.

I want to say I was a coward but I set my book down as calmly as I could and I stood up. Figured this was it. I charged forward with all the strength and speed I could muster. I ran right through the entity and in to my sisters room to hide under the covers. I went to sleep and stopped staying up late after that.

Okay that was the story that scares me. Now here's one that I just find weird.

Ex-wife and I make a jump from Kansas to California to live with her parents and one of their family friends is going on vacation. They allow us to house sit and take care of their dogs.

The house was older and while we stayed there we'd occasionally would have to let their dogs out of the upstairs bedroom even though we always kept them shut. Which is weird but whatever.

Now her mother was visiting us and we're all in the livingroom portion and I'm sitting on this couch by myself. It's heavy and can fit 3 people comfortably. The opposite side I am sitting from the couch flies out like on a swivel. I hope up off the couch and my ex's mom looks at me and asks if the dog did it. There was no way and I don't have an explanation. We still stayed there for a couple months. Nothing else strange besides the doors of the house would randomly be open if we left.
The last post reminded me a something that happened when I was a kid that I have not thought about in over 30 years.

I was 6 or 7 and we lived in a two-story house. The top floor was three bedrooms and a bathroom. My older brother and myself shared a room. My sisters was across the hall and my parent's room at the end of the hall. If looking into their room from the hall all you could really see where windows which were at the front side on the house.

The rule was to not go into my parent's room if the door was closed which it normally was on a Saturday morning. One Saturday I got up early and started down the hallway as the door was open to my parents' room. I saw in front of the windows a figure which I would describe exactly like the last post. It was dark and kind of the like the evaporated effect he described.

I was not scared of much back then but ran back to my room crying and would not leave the room until my brother checked things out and the cost was clear. In fact, I think it was over a month of having my brother check before I would be the first out of the room.
I went to the gulf of Mexico with several buddies about 20 years ago when we could camp on the beach in tents.

After a day of drinking beer it got dark and my buddy and I weren't up to partying at the bars anymore with the rest of the guys. It was still pretty hot out at 10pm so my buddy and I decided to wade into the ocean on our boogie boards. As we paddled out the lights from other camps got dimmer as we got further from shore.

The ocean was dark and calm and paddling further out became kind of a game of chicken competition between my buddy and I. We were talking about the days events sipping on Coronas, floating 15 to 20 feet from each other when something bumped my board from underneath.

I was about 240 pounds and it pushed me a foot or two in the air. I was surprised by the bump but feeling pretty chill from a day of drinking. I called my buddy an a-hole for kicking my board and he didn't say anything. It was like someone trying to dump me off an air mattress in a swimming pool so I figured it HAD to be him messing with me.

Without saying a word my buddy started paddling toward shore and I followed him. He gradually increased his speed and even though I tried to get him to slow down he wouldn't stop. Eventually we made it to shore and back to camp, my buddy never said a word the entire way.

When we got to camp I asked him what the hurry was, he said with big wide eyes "I didn't kick your board dude". I asked him if he didn't did he see who or what did? He said don't worry about it. I tried to get him to tell me what he saw and he never spilled the beans. I know he was too far away to have kicked my board.

I lost touch with that guy years ago but still wonder what he saw that caused him to paddle to shore so fast and appreciate that he didn't tell me the full story and cause me to panic when we were floating a quarter mile from shore.

He was a scuba diver so I don't think a dolphin or seal would have alarmed him so he must have seen something pretty sketchy. I tried to bring up the subject a few times with him years later but I felt like whatever he saw left him with a little PTSD or something so I stopped asking.
I went to the gulf of Mexico with several buddies about 20 years ago when we could camp on the beach in tents.

After a day of drinking beer it got dark and my buddy and I weren't up to partying at the bars anymore with the rest of the guys. It was still pretty hot out at 10pm so my buddy and I decided to wade into the ocean on our boogie boards. As we paddled out the lights from other camps got dimmer as we got further from shore.

The ocean was dark and calm and paddling further out became kind of a game of chicken competition between my buddy and I. We were talking about the days events sipping on Coronas, floating 15 to 20 feet from each other when something bumped my board from underneath.

I was about 240 pounds and it pushed me a foot or two in the air. I was surprised by the bump but feeling pretty chill from a day of drinking. I called my buddy an a-hole for kicking my board and he didn't say anything. It was like someone trying to dump me off an air mattress in a swimming pool so I figured it HAD to be him messing with me.

Without saying a word my buddy started paddling toward shore and I followed him. He gradually increased his speed and even though I tried to get him to slow down he wouldn't stop. Eventually we made it to shore and back to camp, my buddy never said a word the entire way.

When we got to camp I asked him what the hurry was, he said with big wide eyes "I didn't kick your board dude". I asked him if he didn't did he see who or what did? He said don't worry about it. I tried to get him to tell me what he saw and he never spilled the beans. I know he was too far away to have kicked my board.

I lost touch with that guy years ago but still wonder what he saw that caused him to paddle to shore so fast and appreciate that he didn't tell me the full story and cause me to panic when we were floating a quarter mile from shore.

He was a scuba diver so I don't think a dolphin or seal would have alarmed him so he must have seen something pretty sketchy. I tried to bring up the subject a few times with him years later but I felt like whatever he saw left him with a little PTSD or something so I stopped asking.
Probably a shark? I mean as soon as you said night time paddle our I thought 'that's dumb sharks feed at night'. You're not supposed to snorkel at night because you're on the surface. Scuba is okay because you aren't on the surface.