This would have happened in the late nineties. My dad and I decided to duck hunt a marsh not too far from the town he lived in. It was a good spot and late in the season, so we got there real early to get a good spot. As I remember it, nobody else was there. So we walk in a couple hundred yards and proceed tossing out dekes in the dark. We weren't talking initially but both noted the lack of sound coming from the refuge, which we know is loaded with ducks and geese. There is a smaller Marsh straight south about two miles and birds generally fly between the two places in the morning. As we were finishing with decoys I notice a point of light going in a huge square pattern off in the distance....I figure above that other Marsh. Pointed it out to my dad and said why would someone be up lighting fireworks today, at 4 am? We kind of shrug but continue to watch it. This light was like a sparkler in the dark. It was a point of light changing color from blue, to yellow, to green and had a kind of trailing effect like someone writing a letter with a sparkler in the dark. Then it switched to doing a triangle shape and changing from red to pink to purple. It sped up and continued doing this for what seemed like forever but was probably no more than a minute or two. Then it just got dark again. We just kind of said that was weird and went to grass in a couple spots on shore. We get sat down to wait for daylight and notice off in the horizon to our east the entire horizon had a similar point of light alternating the reddish colors, then the bluish colors, then back again. It would light up and shut off, then move to another spot and flash and so on and so on to make a checkerboard pattern. It was doing this at a crazy speed and working it's way back and forth to the west and toward us. It moved faster and faster until it was seemingly just across the pond and it suddenly stopped. It was completely dark for a second and then it was like a super bright flash of white light lit up the whole world like an asteroid and flew over our head from east to west. Never made a sound the entire time. The weird thing about this whole story is that at the time, we didn't really say anything to each other. It was weird to say the least, you'd think we would have been talking about it. In fact, we never said a thing about it (even though I still think about it) until a couple years ago after a few drinks on Christmas. We both recall it the same way. And both find it weird how non chalantly we acted after it. I have no idea what that was. I didn't see a ship or aliens or something. It definitely wasn't northern lights, I have seen those. But I can't explain it.
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