Creepy experiences in the backcountry

"That, and I lay off the peyote, shrooms, and LSD for a while."

No drugs, actually I don't even think we had any beers that night. A sideline to that story is that on that stretch of river years ago several loggers died while floating logs downstream. When I was a kid growing up there people said once in a great while you could still find a fresh boot print in the sand with the old school Hobnails in the tread.
Was this near R mountain outside Rexburg? I know of one exactly like that there.

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Probably the same one, just north of the highway. I drove by a few weeks later and without the skulls sitting out front it didn't have near as weird of a feeling to it. Someone spent some serious time putting that thing together
Saw something in the Gila on an elk hunt back in 2001. Been hunting my whole life and still can’t explain what it was. I’m not saying it was Bigfoot, I’m just saying I don’t have a clue what it was. I thought it was on 2 feet. Watched it run through an opening 15 yards wide only 60 yards away. Still can’t identify it. Couldn’t find any tracks (sandy ground) Gave me chills then and still does now when I think of it. Needless to say I covered a 1 1/2 mile trip back to the truck in record time.
I hunted same area 2 years later, but stayed the hell away from that little box canyon with the purple crystals in it.
I have also found a survival hooch like pictured on page 1. It didn’t freak me out or anything actually kind of cool to find.

Second run in was a little unnerving. I was hiking back to some waterfalls that were off the beaten path. They had a tier system made up of three falls. The second tier was shallow enough to wade through. While was in there I found a metal ring about 5 inches across. I went to pick it up and it was an old coffee can filled with rocks. I dumped the rocks out and small brass looking ornate ball with jewels around it falls out. It’s about the size of a tennis ball. Upon closer inspection I see a seam in the center of. After a little persuasion I get unscrewed; now here’s where it’s creepy. There was a blonde lock of hair about 8” long with a red ribbon tied around it. At that point I’d seen enough. I put the hair back in the ball, then pack in the can, filled it up with rocks and put it back where I found and headed for house!

It was probably nothing but it creeped me out a bit.


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I have also found a survival hooch like pictured on page 1. It didn’t freak me out or anything actually kind of cool to find.

Second run in was a little unnerving. I was hiking back to some waterfalls that were off the beaten path. They had a tier system made up of three falls. The second tier was shallow enough to wade through. While was in there I found a metal ring about 5 inches across. I went to pick it up and it was an old coffee can filled with rocks. I dumped the rocks out and small brass looking ornate ball with jewels around it falls out. It’s about the size of a tennis ball. Upon closer inspection I see a seam in the center of. After a little persuasion I get unscrewed; now here’s where it’s creepy. There was a blonde lock of hair about 8” long with a red ribbon tied around it. At that point I’d seen enough. I put the hair back in the ball, then pack in the can, filled it up with rocks and put it back where I found and headed for house!

It was probably nothing but it creeped me out a bit.
No - that is certifiably f'ing creepy. I would have had to tell the cops.
Not scary for me but some Denverites showed me something. My family and some friends camp up in the same spot every year for a long weekend getaway. It's up past Red Feather Lakes. There are usually 5-8 families and kids ranging from 5 to 16. The little kids talked the bigger ones into building a fort out of deadfall and leaves and such and they had a time of it making this thing just down the road from our campsite. the next day was Saturday and typically it's superhighway time on the forest service roads with people showing up looking for campsites and all the miles of off road trails in the area. About midmorning a Subaru goes by and we can hear them a short bit later chattering and carrying on. Me and another guy start walking down the road thinking they had a flat or were hung up on a rock or something, it's not rock crawling territory but a bit more ground clearance than a 96 legacy is recommended. As we approach we see four people setting up cameras, not just cheap-o ones but full production quality ones. They had a dude looking over the "fort" and talking about it being a sasquatch nest and how they could see tracks and hair samples. My daughter had shoved a rock into a stick and tied it with string off her ragged sweatshirt also and they were all about it being a tool and that it had blood from deer on it. We sat back and watched for awhile, and they were completely serious about it all. Eventually we couldn't contain ourselves and asked if they wanted to meet Mr. Sasquatch. We brought them up to camp and had the kids tell them how they built the fort and hammer and all. I think the camera folks have a YouTube or something because they just said they don't care about that, they had what they needed to put out a evidence video and nobody would be the wiser. Goes to show how you can create your own narrative if you want to. I have looked a bit on YouTube but admit I am not to savvy, never found the video. The fort still stands a few years later, the kids rebuild and improve it all the time.
Not scary for me but some Denverites showed me something. My family and some friends camp up in the same spot every year for a long weekend getaway. It's up past Red Feather Lakes. There are usually 5-8 families and kids ranging from 5 to 16. The little kids talked the bigger ones into building a fort out of deadfall and leaves and such and they had a time of it making this thing just down the road from our campsite. the next day was Saturday and typically it's superhighway time on the forest service roads with people showing up looking for campsites and all the miles of off road trails in the area. About midmorning a Subaru goes by and we can hear them a short bit later chattering and carrying on. Me and another guy start walking down the road thinking they had a flat or were hung up on a rock or something, it's not rock crawling territory but a bit more ground clearance than a 96 legacy is recommended. As we approach we see four people setting up cameras, not just cheap-o ones but full production quality ones. They had a dude looking over the "fort" and talking about it being a sasquatch nest and how they could see tracks and hair samples. My daughter had shoved a rock into a stick and tied it with string off her ragged sweatshirt also and they were all about it being a tool and that it had blood from deer on it. We sat back and watched for awhile, and they were completely serious about it all. Eventually we couldn't contain ourselves and asked if they wanted to meet Mr. Sasquatch. We brought them up to camp and had the kids tell them how they built the fort and hammer and all. I think the camera folks have a YouTube or something because they just said they don't care about that, they had what they needed to put out a evidence video and nobody would be the wiser. Goes to show how you can create your own narrative if you want to. I have looked a bit on YouTube but admit I am not to savvy, never found the video. The fort still stands a few years later, the kids rebuild and improve it all the time.
They were from Boulder...
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I was bowhunting one morning before work back in Maine. Didn't have much luck so I was hiking out back to my truck along the trails following the powerlines that were running through the woods. There was this spot that had a gas line that paralleled the powerlines and where they met was a sandy spot the size of a pitchers mound I like to check for deer tracks.

I start walking over and I hear this sound I have never heard in my life before. Kind of like a dying rabbit but more of a crying type noise. I start walking closer to the sound and when I get about 30 yards I see this 3ft tall black animal. I thought maybe it was a bear cub but bears haven't been in this area for 30-40 years. I crept in closer to the animal as it was still early morning and I couldn't tell what it was. I get about 15 yards and the animal MORPHS. It doesn't move, it morphs and looks like the top split in half from the waist.........Thats when I realized I was watching two porcupines having sex. I guess they are very vocal lovers. The female walked off and the male looked up at me with a "thanks a lot pal" kind of look then followed the female.
Saw something in the Gila on an elk hunt back in 2001. Been hunting my whole life and still can’t explain what it was. I’m not saying it was Bigfoot, I’m just saying I don’t have a clue what it was. I thought it was on 2 feet. Watched it run through an opening 15 yards wide only 60 yards away. Still can’t identify it. Couldn’t find any tracks (sandy ground) Gave me chills then and still does now when I think of it. Needless to say I covered a 1 1/2 mile trip back to the truck in record time.
I hunted same area 2 years later, but stayed the hell away from that little box canyon with the purple crystals in it.
I hunt the gila a lot! It’s basically my back yard! Never seen much, but I’ve heard of some weird things happening out there! A friend said the other night she saw something watching her with bright blue eyes, scared the hell out of her! I’ve heard stories about skin walkers!
Ok, I replied to this thread a bit back, but I will tell of one really odd experience that scared the hell out of me and everyone in camp! We were in the gila here in New Mexico, deer hunting, I think it was 2014-15, somewhere around there! Hunting units 16 in November for deer!! It was dam cold that weekend, and we just got back to camp one evening! Made a fire and were cooking dinner, off to the northwest, we saw a really bright light, looked like it was heading towards us! Coming in really fast, bright as the moon! All of a sudden it stopped mid air, and started to descend, all of a sudden, a bright blue light came out of the wilderness pointing up to the other light, then a big dome like thing appeared, the light in the air descended into the dome, and the dome collapsed around the other light, granted all that area is wilderness, and vast as hell!! Needless to say, it scared us to the point that we took all the rifles into the tent that night, and extra ammo! Never seen anything like it! Locals in that area do talk about seeing weird crafts flying over sometimes! A lady I that area talked about a cigar shaped craft hovering over her one evening! Hell if I know!!
Not scary for me but some Denverites showed me something. My family and some friends camp up in the same spot every year for a long weekend getaway. It's up past Red Feather Lakes. There are usually 5-8 families and kids ranging from 5 to 16. The little kids talked the bigger ones into building a fort out of deadfall and leaves and such and they had a time of it making this thing just down the road from our campsite. the next day was Saturday and typically it's superhighway time on the forest service roads with people showing up looking for campsites and all the miles of off road trails in the area. About midmorning a Subaru goes by and we can hear them a short bit later chattering and carrying on. Me and another guy start walking down the road thinking they had a flat or were hung up on a rock or something, it's not rock crawling territory but a bit more ground clearance than a 96 legacy is recommended. As we approach we see four people setting up cameras, not just cheap-o ones but full production quality ones. They had a dude looking over the "fort" and talking about it being a sasquatch nest and how they could see tracks and hair samples. My daughter had shoved a rock into a stick and tied it with string off her ragged sweatshirt also and they were all about it being a tool and that it had blood from deer on it. We sat back and watched for awhile, and they were completely serious about it all. Eventually we couldn't contain ourselves and asked if they wanted to meet Mr. Sasquatch. We brought them up to camp and had the kids tell them how they built the fort and hammer and all. I think the camera folks have a YouTube or something because they just said they don't care about that, they had what they needed to put out a evidence video and nobody would be the wiser. Goes to show how you can create your own narrative if you want to. I have looked a bit on YouTube but admit I am not to savvy, never found the video. The fort still stands a few years later, the kids rebuild and improve it all the time.
Biden campaign staff.
I guess I'll chime in. I live and play in grizzly country, so I'm on my toes a little more than normal. This was one of my creepier experiences.

I was climbing up one of the local mountain ranges, spent the day around treeline, and as usual, headed back after dark. As I was headed back using the headlamp for light, a set of eyes shows up and starts following me. I know black bears on occasion will trail a person, I know someone locally that had that happen to them. Well the eyes follow me for a ways, but I can't make out the animal. I yell at it, but it doesn't seem fazed, and my old dog could care less. I keep on headed down the trail, and another set of eyes shows up too. They were staying right at the edge of my headlamps range, and not making any noises that I could identify the animals. Well I keep trucking down the trail, and more sets of eyes keep showing up. And then more, until I could identify them. Cows! A bunch of damn cattle kept coming in and following me. They followed me all the way from that ridge back down to my truck. Fairly spooky to begin with, but ended pretty entertaining. There must have been 50 or 60 following me back to the truck by the time they all figured I was their leader.
I guess I'll chime in. I live and play in grizzly country, so I'm on my toes a little more than normal. This was one of my creepier experiences.

I was climbing up one of the local mountain ranges, spent the day around treeline, and as usual, headed back after dark. As I was headed back using the headlamp for light, a set of eyes shows up and starts following me. I know black bears on occasion will trail a person, I know someone locally that had that happen to them. Well the eyes follow me for a ways, but I can't make out the animal. I yell at it, but it doesn't seem fazed, and my old dog could care less. I keep on headed down the trail, and another set of eyes shows up too. They were staying right at the edge of my headlamps range, and not making any noises that I could identify the animals. Well I keep trucking down the trail, and more sets of eyes keep showing up. And then more, until I could identify them. Cows! A bunch of damn cattle kept coming in and following me. They followed me all the way from that ridge back down to my truck. Fairly spooky to begin with, but ended pretty entertaining. There must have been 50 or 60 following me back to the truck by the time they all figured I was their leader.
The struggle is real. There are other threads on cows, they can be very annoying
Probably the same one, just north of the highway. I drove by a few weeks later and without the skulls sitting out front it didn't have near as weird of a feeling to it. Someone spent some serious time putting that thing together
There are some weird people out by R mountain in Rexburg.
Thanks all for sharing these.Really don’t have any stories or want to now. I was going to have my 14 year old read this thread,but I’m not sure he’d want to do a preseason mountain scouting trip this summer after some of these.