craziness of BrandX worship

Mar 13, 2017
Chico, California
This is probably going to ruffle some feathers but I am just cracking up at some of the flat out worship of specific brands of hunting gear. I get wanting to support a company you like. I get even encouraging others to support that company but really it gets bizarre at times. Crap, I have brands I like but i dont put a 5 square foot sticker of their logo in my truck window. I know there are a bunch of Kifaru fans on here and with social media its pretty easy to show off your new toys and the way you configure the packs, tents etc. and that can be helpful, but The clothing fans take it to a whole new level. Certain fans seems to get flat out ridiculous. I have seen social media posts 50 comments long about the color of their underwear. not kidding. why the hell do we need camo underwear anyway? Just saw a guy talking about doing an "unboxing" segment on his Kxxx purchase. this is the stuff my mom watches on youtube, (unboxing of Mary Cay products). And hunters are all moist over each others camo underwear. Crap there is used underwear for sale on here. (the day i buy a used pair of skivvies I want someone to shoot me. It is painfully obvious why manbuns, wanna-be a special operator beards and rompers for men are so popular. We have turned into a bunch of sally's. The cult like following some of these brands is just silly. And just for the sake of saying it. YOUR CAMO PATTERN DOESN'T REALLY MATTER. As long as as your jacket matches your pants and underwear i guess. I am 100% convinced there is some gay nightclub in Davis where you get in for free if you are wearing a matching set of Verde 2.0 (or vias on retro night)
Anyway. Going to go shop ebay for some $75 used underwear now.

Cheers (I am guessing I will either be lauded or banned for this)
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LOL I think waterfowl hunters can be worse.. :) Granted I see that a lot more in my area though too. I don't like obnoxiously big stickers but currently have 2 smaller stickers of gear manufacturers that I like.
Waterfowlers are worse it like bloods and crips when it comes to what clothes you are wearing. Back in the day i though i was the shit with my walls camo coveralls shooting geese
LOL, you're going to get some (used) panties in a bunch with this thread. :)

I can understand brand loyalty but I agree that some people are way over the top about it. I guess it's good marketing if your brand has achieved a cult-like following. As long as folks keep upgrading their clothes every year it works for me though, I'll take high end gear that is lightly used at 50% off any day. Sans the underwear, socks, and boots of course....
LOL, you're going to get some (used) panties in a bunch with this thread. :)

I I'll take high end gear that is lightly used at 50% off any day. Sans the underwear, socks, and boots of course....
you know whats crazy though. I like quality used gear too. Crap that's why i go on those sites. but the gear is selling for as much as i can get it for new. Not kidding. And people pay it. It just makes no sense.
i'd argue that the pack gearheads are the most rabid. but whatever floats your boat.

for every rabid fan..there is a rabid anti-fan. ying-gang.
you know whats crazy though. I like quality used gear too. Crap that's why i go on those sites. but the gear is selling for as much as i can get it for new. Not kidding. And people pay it. It just makes no sense.

Agreed that some people are very proud of their used gear, but I've found you can still find good deals if you're patient.
How do you feel about flat brims?;)

Those things are redicilous. Even worse is the long hair. I'm not talking about the long hair in the back or on the sides that curls around your hat. I'm talking about the long hair in front that these kids have to move out of the way so it's not in their eyes and they can see when they are talking to you. It just makes them look dumb.
I can't wait for retro night!!!

Make sure to check out mothwing Monday and subalpine Saturday too! Admission is half off for flat brim hats, free drink for mullets. Valet parking for your jacked up diesel truck (must have oversized exhaust coming up through your truck bed)

Fusion fridays are dead, long live cipher Sunday!!!
I don't know, my wife put a stalk on a buck from camp last year in her camo First Lite boxers, lol! We were sitting around trying to keep cool in the hot weather and the buck ran by, she through on a shirt and boots and went after it! I just like good stuff and some of my loyalty especially to Kifaru springs not just from the quality of the gear which it abounds with but the fact it's a local company a couple miles from house and am friends with people that work there! But, the brand loyalty is absolutely no different than the pro sports team loyalty or car brand loyalty etc!
I don't get it either. People pay $30 + on underwear and $70 on tee shirts just because they come from some company and they have been told they need them when the majority of us wear our $15 3 pack walmart shorts and tee shirts just fine. I guess it's great for these companies that they can get people willing to purchase there gear and keep them in business, more power to them because they won't be seeing me spending the money they want for underwear, tee shirts or anything else I can get for 1/4 of the price.

I try not to read most of the clothes posts and if I do I try not to comment as it's obvious that this forum is geared towards high end gear, I just hope new hunters don't get scared off of hunting thinking that they have to take out a loan just to purchase the clothing needed to hunt. I could never hunt with most the guys on this forum for fear they would spend all day laughing at me with my mismatched camo, non camo ball hat and 20 year old Fieldline gaiters that have seen more miles then most will ever hike. Heck 2 years ago I purchased a new camo button up shirt as my 15 year old shirt in a more waterfowl pattern was faded almost white and to think I thought I was cool in my new shirt until I found this forum and figured out that I just don't hold a candle to the real cool guys.
Anyone know where I can get a Costco bumper sticker?

A ton of my gear and damn near all my food comes from there.