Ramey Jackson
- Joined
- May 9, 2012
I don't mean to thread jack, but since the hunter of that first buck didn't post it, I'll just add on. That second buck is the buck I shot last week in WA. Just a little information. It was a state draw tag. I had fifteen points, so I was due a tag! Took place on 100% public land, easily accessible. Solo DIY hunt. I did have a buddy come out to hunt with me for the first day or two, but he left, and I was on my own. I shot this buck on the fourth day of my hunt. I spotted him almost a mile away, chasing his does towards me. The closest they got was about 450yds, then winded me, the wind was howling right towards them. After a lot of walking, cussing the wind, circling around, and 3-4 hours later, I finally caught up to them back where I had been sitting at first light. He was with two other bucks and was bedded in some tall sage. I once again circled around them, came up on a little rise, take off my pack, and binoculars, crawl up to the edge and look over. He was just getting up out of his bed, unaware and standing broadside at about 170 yards. One of the longest, hardest stalks I've ever done, but came down to one of the easiest shots i've ever had. He is just an awesome buck, and i could not be more happy.
Thanks for the story! What an awesome trophy, congrats to you.