COVID-19 and Hunting/Fishing Travel

@Poser I'm looking at all options myself now Idaho closed bear tag purchases. Going to get crazy in places still open as pressure has to shift to states still open.

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I don’t foresee MT being cool with everyone who was planning on bear hunting in ID now coming there and I continue to be shocked by the amount of hunters who are sticking to their “business as usual” out of state hunting plans this Spring.

Question for the MT residents: does this trend concern you? Will there be more or less total bear hunters out this Spring is the state takes no action to intervene?
IMO there will be an increase in spring bear hunters due to the ID closure. Albeit, the 14 day quarantine need be heeded. That being said, who is going to enforce such? That, perhaps,will put more hunters in country to hunt a few spring bears. Wardens will have their hands full. Plus, they will be less than understanding given the CV issue. I whole heartedly suggest using commonsense during this outbreak. I am NOT recommending that all not hunt. But, given that MT has a very low population density and could be at risk from travelers, give this issue some serious thought.
There will be better days. Please,everyone, stay safe and keep your families safe. MTG
IMO there will be an increase in spring bear hunters due to the ID closure. Albeit, the 14 day quarantine need be heeded. That being said, who is going to enforce such? That, perhaps,will put more hunters in country to hunt a few spring bears. Wardens will have their hands full. Plus, they will be less than understanding given the CV issue. I whole heartedly suggest using commonsense during this outbreak. I am NOT recommending that all not hunt. But, given that MT has a very low population density and could be at risk from travelers, give this issue some serious thought.
There will be better days. Please,everyone, stay safe and keep your families safe. MTG

From what I gather, most seem to consider hunting to in fact be quarantine. Of course, an encounter with a game warden would likely be considered breaking quarantine. IDK.

This raises the question for discussion: “does hunting meet the conditions for quarantine”?
At what point does limiting hunting impact heard numbers? If you manage your state real close, will shutting down a year have adverse effects? Thinking of things like EHD and stuff.
Another question needs to be asked. Who, amongst all here would disregard the stay at home recommendation, putting others health at risk possibly, to sate their desire to hunt? Is it all that important to hunt WHEN possibly, perhaps probable, the risk to infect or become infected? We must use an ounce, perhaps a pound,of commonsense and caution.
I have had trips cancelled during my tenure. I have gotten over it! My trip to NZ is cancelled for this coming a June. I will rebook and look forward to it when possible. My family would be at risk. Hell, I would not take that chance.
Therefore I pose the question to this forum as written above. MTG
At this point it's all really just shooting in the dark- a crap shoot. Disease models, social pressures, political agendas, 24 hour media coverage. They are all evolving and effecting each other. Trying to predict in the current environment is a guesstimation at best. Personally I am preparing for if it opens up but holding those plans very loosely.
I’m gonna say right now that on Friday and Saturday I went 2.5 hours away and I got my son his first turkey. Just the two of us. Extremely awesome experience. Used common sense. Drive thru and gas stops totaled about 4x total.

edit: I took out the last part because I don’t want to hurt feelings. People are really stressing on all this like hunters will be the problem.
I can understand there being some legitimate outrage if hunting for realistic big game (deer, elk, antelope) is closed locally for resident. I caution to even say that as hunting is just flat out expensive no matter where you are and what you are hunting. You'd need to almost never scout and tag out on opening day to break even. For the sake of it let's say there are hunters in the socioeconomic situation where they rely on guaranteed big game opportunities for meat to live on. Taking that away is probably an overreach.

However, if we are going by the definition of hunting is for the purpose of providing for yourseld and family you don't have a leg to stand on if you're complaining about not being able to drive thousands of miles and paying 300% more for a NR tag. You're going to have fun and if you get to fill the freezer a little great. You're obviously not in a situation where you NEED to hunt to feed yourself and your family.

People getting upset over not being able to travel thousands of miles to hunt a bear or turkey right now is hard to wrap my head around. I understand people make plans and want to get away from the daily grind. If you polled a thousand hunters to rank what they'd rather eat our of deer, elk, moose, antelope, and bear I'll be generous in saying 98% would have bear at the bottom. A 10" tom will give one person three meals and a family one. So, that's a non-starter.

Spring hunting is essentially getting out of the house. It's not a good time to do that. The Constitution doesn't really apply here.
The longer people resist travel recommendations the longer this will go on for. Every single American can justify a reason for themselves to travel or go against the guidelines. A little bit of upfront sacrifice will pay dividends in the end. If people continue to ignore this we will be finding ourselves contained our home states during the big game seasons in the fall. Then the people who needed to travel 3000 miles to hunt turkey or bear can place themselves in the large pile of people who are responsible for the long drawn out quarantine guidelines. I work on the front lines in this pandemic. I want to turkey hunt. I want to go out of my state and hunt in the spring like I always foo. I’m staying home I’m doing my part. Please do your part.
People getting upset over not being able to travel thousands of miles to hunt a bear or turkey right now is hard to wrap my head around. I understand people make plans and want to get away from the daily grind. If you polled a thousand hunters to rank what they'd rather eat our of deer, elk, moose, antelope, and bear I'll be generous in saying 98% would have bear at the bottom. A 10" tom will give one person three meals and a family one. So, that's a non-starter.

Spring hunting is essentially getting out of the house. It's not a good time to do that. The Constitution doesn't really apply here.

There are people who hunt, and people that need to hunt. Feeding the family is far from being the "Need to hunt". Some get it, some, many on this very post, never will.........
Another question needs to be asked. Who, amongst all here would disregard the stay at home recommendation, putting others health at risk possibly, to sate their desire to hunt? Is it all that important to hunt WHEN possibly, perhaps probable, the risk to infect or become infected? We must use an ounce, perhaps a pound,of commonsense and caution.
I have had trips cancelled during my tenure. I have gotten over it! My trip to NZ is cancelled for this coming a June. I will rebook and look forward to it when possible. My family would be at risk. Hell, I would not take that chance.
Therefore I pose the question to this forum as written above. MTG

Yep, the replies about "well if I am healthy and only stop for gas" are perplexing. Just because you are healthy or young doesn't mean anything. You could have it and be asymptomatic and leave it on a gas pump and the next man comes behind you and touches the gas pump and now he dies and/or gives it to other people and they die too. Or you could get it from the guy who got gas before you. It is unbelievable how selfish and self centered people are during this situation. Just for right now in the midst of a worldwide crisis, take off your public land owner tin foil hats about your rights getting infringed, and realize we need to focus on staying healthy and alive. I was sick as hell from 3/18 to 3/29, and tested positive on 3/19. I can promise you even if you recover, this is not something you want to deal with. I was truly scared for my life and pray none of you have to go through it.
Yep, the replies about "well if I am healthy and only stop for gas" are perplexing. Just because you are healthy or young doesn't mean anything. You could have it and be asymptomatic and leave it on a gas pump and the next man comes behind you and touches the gas pump and now he dies and/or gives it to other people and they die too. Or you could get it from the guy who got gas before you. It is unbelievable how selfish and self centered people are during this situation. Just for right now in the midst of a worldwide crisis, take off your public land owner tin foil hats about your rights getting infringed, and realize we need to focus on staying healthy and alive. I was sick as hell from 3/18 to 3/29, and tested positive on 3/19. I can promise you even if you recover, this is not something you want to deal with. I was truly scared for my life and pray none of you have to go through it.
Who the F is touching gas pumps rn. Yuck. Glove, napkin, grocery bag anything. Don’t touch the damn pump. Jeez, lol.

I am still working (essential) and I fuel up a few times a week. I disinfect the gas pump, use a glove, disinfect the gas pump again, throw away glove, wash hands, drive away.

I have gone turkey hunting 2x since stay at home. I fill up at my local gas station and bring 10 gallons of gas with me. It is two hours away, I do not stop for gas or food. I sleep in my bed of truck. Of course things can happen break down or whatnot so I do still feel a bit irresponsible. However our stay at home order outlines hunting and fishing as ‘essential activities’ and public lands are open.

However I don’t like the idea of traveling long distance. Not going to criticize anyone but BE CAREFUL just out of respect for others, it doesn’t mean you are a fear monger!!
Everyone crying about liberal states and closed hunting it’s wide open here. Weather has been great and turkeys gobbling. No you don’t need a turkey tag let alone having to draw one...

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I would not be surprised if the liberal ran states cancelled hunting seasons as to keep non-resident hunters from coming in, contributes to their non-hunting, weapons agenda, as well as a request of government funds for loss of revenue due to their decisions. Common sense is no where to be found these days in any decision making for the most part, just watch the news.

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Well, old news now, but Idaho did exactly that.

It had nothing to do with a 'non-hunting' 'anti-weapons' agenda. It's about stopping the spread of something that disproportionately kills some in society.
There are people who hunt, and people that need to hunt. Feeding the family is far from being the "Need to hunt". Some get it, some, many on this very post, never will.........

Other than feeding family, trying to justify hunting due to the "need to hunt" is like trying to justify a "need to cheat on your wife". Except for the mentality ill, it boils down to selfishness. We're not children who have no impulse control. If it's legal and safe, I'm all over it. If it is shown to threaten others, there is literally no excuse for putting a "need to hunt" above other's safety, and I'm one of those who will definitely never understand how anyone could justify otherwise.
I don’t understand the comments that limiting hunting and hunting related trips is going to “stop the virus.” The goal has never been to stop the virus. Canceling NBA games, bars full of 1000 people, and music festivals drastically slows down the virus (flattens the curve) but the goal has never been to stop anything. I’m a first responder on the street and our hospitals are empty and the Mayor and Governer are pleading to further restrict movement. I’m no advocate for opening everything back up but driving across state lines to hunt is the least of my worries. We aren’t getting away from this thing. If everyone holes up in their house except a twice a month trip to a grocery store we will be in the same place a month from now.
I don’t understand the comments that limiting hunting and hunting related trips is going to “stop the virus.” The goal has never been to stop the virus. Canceling NBA games, bars full of 1000 people, and music festivals drastically slows down the virus (flattens the curve) but the goal has never been to stop anything. I’m a first responder on the street and our hospitals are empty and the Mayor and Governer are pleading to further restrict movement. I’m no advocate for opening everything back up but driving across state lines to hunt is the least of my worries. We aren’t getting away from this thing. If everyone holes up in their house except a twice a month trip to a grocery store we will be in the same place a month from now.

Im in the same belief as this. It’s been around In town now for weeks. The world is not ending yet

People are under the assumption that if they stay home it will just stop it. There’s still enough of us out there working that it will not stop. I live in a pretty small city, it’s here, in places it should never have gotten.
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It's bigger than hunting no doubt, but I never asked to be protected or to ruin the economies of the world so I might live, bigger things at stake than human life, 10,000 people die,in USA every month, so don't judge me for wanting prosperity for future generations, we all worked hard for that. My opinion so no selfishness here, just want what I worked for to be here for my family and if we don't make it, that's God's will.

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