cover scents


Jul 17, 2012
Hilliard Florida
I'm using vanilla as a cover this year and really like it. I had three does follow me to my stand last week. I thought they were going to climbthe treevthe way they came on. There is only one problem , I want to eat a whole box of nilla wayfers about the time I sit down in my stand ! OMG , I would kill for a box right now !
lol......too funny!

I don't worry about cover scent too much. I only hunt when the wind is right for a stand or I am on the ground stalking!

But.....this topic has made me hungry for Nilla wafers now! Kids have some at home!
Might as well just bring a cooler with some vanilla ice cream in it, or a vanilla latte depending on the weather.
I'm back in the stand now , 84* , the icecream sounds awsome right now. Another 20 min and the sun will drop behind some trees. Looking at about 30 turkeys.
Jared , I hunt the wind but if a cover scent will buy me enough time to get a gun up , just a moment , when the wind swirls then its well worth the min it takes to apply.
I'm with J-Rod I'm not big on cover scents either. I'll use doe/buck scents for scrapes and drags but don't feel like a cover scent has been a benefit personally in the past.