Drawing bow back with drop away (in stand)

Before you buy a new rest, see what happens when you try the new slow/controlled let down. Most likely will stay up. If you are letting draw down fast enough to bounce off the arrow, the rest may be thinking its a shot and that is why launcher is falling.
going to try it tonight. regardless I wont be getting a new rest until next year. Too late in the season at this point to make any changes like that.
I didn’t read all the comments however in scanning did not see anyone mentioning the possibility that your D-loop may be too tight, which can force the nock partly off the string when at full draw.

Just a thought.
I didn’t read all the comments however in scanning did not see anyone mentioning the possibility that your D-loop may be too tight, which can force the nock partly off the string when at full draw.

Just a thought.
No the arrow is coming off because it flails around because the rest drops when i let down. I tested it slowly and still no dice. I have come to the conclusion i need a different rest.
I had a ripcord code red and I don't think it stays up even when let down slowly. I think that's why I switched to the QAD.
Been shooting QAD rests for 10 years or so and never had one that didn’t stay up when I let back down.
Think I’d be looking into a new rest.
IIRC, the ripcord red is supposed to drop when let down. The QAD was better in that regard by staying upright when cocked manually or upon a slow let down.

Also, if you have that ripcord set up as limb-driven (as described in OP) then something else is terribly wrong.

The ripcord had a good run, and was a fine rest (until it got too cold, when some of them would gum up and fail to fall), but it sounds like swapping to a QAD or other similar cable-driven rest will allow you to do what you want.

FWIW, I also like to draw from my stand every now and then for reasons similar to what you described. My limb-driven Hamskea lets down just like your Ripcord, but a little moleskin on the cutout of my bow riser keeps things silent if my arrow wanders around a bit.
If your arrow is "flailing around" the rest isn't the issue sorry to say. I've used the rest you have the QAD that drops when let down after full draw, Trophy Takers, and Vapor Trails. All drop when letting down. NEVER had an arrow "flail". Do you have a arrow guide/holder on your riser?
If your arrow is "flailing around" the rest isn't the issue sorry to say. I've used the rest you have the QAD that drops when let down after full draw, Trophy Takers, and Vapor Trails. All drop when letting down. NEVER had an arrow "flail". Do you have a arrow guide/holder on your riser?
It is the rest. trust me. the reason it flails, is because the rest lets down. I know for a 100 percent fact it would not do that if the rest stayed up like the other ones do. I am getting a new rest.

It doesn't flail much but it doesn't take much for your arrow to come un-nocked off the string. its the left to right movement that does it.