count down to a Pig hunt

Sep 22, 2013
Oh and don't forget the All Fools Camp...we killed two bottles there. I remember that one morning I stayed behind to clean up and protect camp from the sketchy people nearby and you took the noobs (ladies hoping to hook up in more ways than one) fishing. Funny how the weather changed that day eh? LOL
I built them a private latrine complete with reading material remember?
Man I was fat that year....



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Jan 30, 2017
California, Inland Empire
You know Bruce you need to let go of this, it had nothing to do with you.
I have apologized to Bubble about the wheel barrel, It got put a side and yes i missed it.
I never asked anyone to skin my pigs, I am not a speed skinner and don't plan to be, but I do get my pigs skinned and packed out, yes that is where the compressor skinning comes in, being on Blood thinners cuts are a serious thing so I am careful.
I am happy you are out there knocking them down Bubble, keep it up.
You know it saddens me that a friend ship could be lost so easily, you cleaned up a wheel barrel with some blood, I cleaned up a porta potty the got shit all over. The difference here was i felt the friendship was worth more than the effort it took the clean it.
Lets just let things go, I have held up my side and not tried to communicate with you, hold yours up and stop this senseless Bashing.
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Sep 22, 2013
Truth-telling or honesty is seen as a basic moral principle, rule, or value.

bash·ing /ˈbaSHiNG/
  1. violent physical assault.
    "nine incidents of gay bashing were reported to the police"
    • severe criticism.
      "press bashing"



Jun 18, 2020
San Diego
Bubble & Bruce I'll hunt with you guys anytime. You know what's up and how the hunt should be treated!
& OP I hope the best for you......
May 13, 2015
Did I really just read the fiction I thought I read.

"You know Bruce you need to let go of this, it had nothing to do with you."
Actually Bruce was there when he and I suffered directly due to your behavior, exactly as he described in that past post and here in this one. So, on the contrary, it has everything to do with Bruce in regard to his experience with you. Yes, Bruce is "truth telling", as am I. Your response just blows me away as you exhibit zero responsibility and minimize egregious behaviors as not a big deal. I mean, here on Rokslide we often see posts of scammers; do we ever see the scammers coming here and saying they are being "bashed", let alone "senseless bashing". No, those posters feel a moral and ethical obligation, along with a Rokslide civic duty to warn others of the treatment they endured from the scammer. Bruce simply feels the same obligations so that people here enter into activities with you with open eyes. Those posting about scammers are truth telling, the mods verify, and ban those scammers, directly due to those "truth tellers". But apparently that is a concept that eludes you.

"I have apologized to Bubble about the wheel barrel"
Yes, I remember a very very very insincere apology, followed by a "well, it's really no big deal". That is simply a lack of responsibility, remorse, blame and empathy.

"I never asked anyone to skin my pigs"

That is true, you never did.

" I am not a speed skinner and don't plan to be"
That is also very very true. But I do remember getting you all set up to skin and quarter your pig, including helping you hang it. I then left you to process the animal, while I got dinner and even brought you a plate of food. I went back to the tent to eat mine and chat with Bruce while you took care of the pig. I lost track of time, but came out to check on you about 3 hours later and you had only skinned about 1/3 of the pig. Now, since I was the guy that got you into that ranch, I have responsibilities with bringing you in there. The reality is that a pig can spoil in under 3 hours, and based on your speed of skinning the pig, you would have still been quartering it at noon the next day. So, simply put, I was obligated to step in. The last thing needed is to have Fish and Wildlife show up and find a spoiled Big Game animal (yes it big game in Ca guys and gals). I can only imagine the repercussions of that. I also recall you responding to a thread about this, and implying the guy helping you (me), was just stupid for doing something you could handle on your own; I can only see the mess of how that would have turned out. Now this is said only after hearing your glory day stories (Bruce heard them too) about all the animals you killed and processed. That experience you so proudly bragged about sure didn't show anytime while hunting with me. In fact, I recall feeling that I needed to gut, skin and debone that buck in your avatar, because you appeared completely lost as where to start and what to do. Granted, at that time, I sure didn't mind doing it, as I have helped you out and others out numerous times, it's just a part of who I am. In fact, as I described above, I packed that bucks meat back to camp (up hill) and then from camp to the truck.

"that is where the compressor skinning comes in"
I hope that works out for you, after all, it would be a shame to have an animal spoil and the Warden find out, because knowing that Warden, and having several face to face conversations with him, he would shut hunting down on that ranch in a big hurry for EVERYONE.

"You know it saddens me that a friend ship could be lost so easily"
Here you are minimizing the myriad of issues, pretending it all was no big deal. No it was not lost so easily; I mean, have you even read Bruce's posts of "truth telling"? IMNSHO, Bruce is going really easy on you, but then I put up with so much more from you for soooo long. There are soooooo many things I could list, but it would be pointless with you as you simply view it all as "no big deal". I am pretty sure that with your reply, the guys and gals here have a very good picture into your character, so there is no need for me to bring up the plethora of other aggreges behaviors you exhibited.

"you cleaned up a wheel barrel with some blood"
Nope, not even close. Have you even looked at the picture. There was meat and fat along with that blood, and it was baked on. By the way, that wheel barrel was put away by you, inside the little shed with the door closed and latched (I wouldn't call it a latch, but it did keep it closed through all kinds of weather).

" I cleaned up a porta potty the got shit all over."
Here you act as though this is an even exchange (in multiple ways). Well I am here to tell you it was not. I was responsible for you and your actions, as I am the guy that brought you into the ranch, and I was constantly reminded I was responsible for your actions. You really bring up your bucket crapper, as though we traded responsibilities; dude, I brought you into the ranch, set you up on the 300+ pound boar, and let you take the shot. Do you remember having that picture as your avatar as you now have the buck I set you up on. No its not even close to an even exchange. And, you came in knowing work was involved and you shared in the work. I was kind enough to express that the work should be divided fairly evenly but also by individual skill. On the trip Bruce was on with you, we all discussed sleeping in early and we all (including you) agreed. So it was a real shocker to be woke up at about 3 in the morning with you tossing noisy items around your tent, rolling you wheeled container with metal thing bouncing and banging around... and when Bruce and I finally got up, you come in the tent and say "hey I'm all packed and ready to leave, is it okay if I take off"? Well no it's not okay, but if you don't, either Bruch or I will end up in jail for killing you (having a good reason apparently is not excusable in the eyes of the courts, nor do the courts look upon it as a public service, despite it being just that).

" I have held up my side"
Really! Hardly, you just don't want the truth getting out. You just don't want the hunting community here knowing the truth about you; that is exactly why you came back to this thread attempting to minimize your actions. But just like with guys posting about scammers, "truth telling" (love the term Bruce, as it completely applies) should happen, after all, it helps protect the Rokslide community.

"senseless Bashing"
Not even close, but hey, there is a term that is correct, "Truth Telling", I know the guy that coined it!
May 13, 2015
You guys need to take the personal drama elsewhere.
It's time to move past it here on Rokslide.

Sent from my moto z3 using Tapatalk
Just read your post after I posted above. Despite fully believing this is a Rokslide public service, I can do as requested.


Jun 18, 2020
San Diego
This info is important He's on another forum and spewing the same BS.
We have a lot of new hunters that need to see the truth....... sorry if it ruffles feathers but the truth needs to be told.
Sep 22, 2013
I too will comply with the Mod and cease exposing the stuff that Matadors stand in.



Jul 4, 2020
Oh man. Best thread since the tk guy posting with an alternative account and getting called out by the mod


Jan 30, 2017
California, Inland Empire
A bloody wheel Barrel and a cough drop wrapper and you all have suffered for 2 years, so sad.
I to will let this dead dog lie.
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Dec 27, 2019
I'm just shocked hogs are classified as a game animal in CA. Good grief.


Jan 30, 2017
California, Inland Empire
This info is important He's on another forum and spewing the same BS.
We have a lot of new hunters that need to see the truth....... sorry if it ruffles feathers but the truth needs to be told.
Yes this is important for the new hunters, they should know how a two year old personal dispute can be used to discredit someone

spewing the same BS. ???
What BS MJB ?
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Jul 4, 2020
Yes this is important for the new hunters, they should know how a two year old personal dispute can be used to discredit someone

spewing the same BS. ???
What BS MJB ?
Ya that would suck. Do you think there’s a way to disprove their affirmation that you’re a lazy slob of a hunter and have had no success without them? Do you even feel like you would need to defend such outrageous claims?


Jan 30, 2017
California, Inland Empire
I would have thought that most would have ignored it
This was way before them, a twofer same morning. skinned, quartered and on ice.
They were deboned at home
nicodemon 004 (1).jpg
Maybe they can tell you where this was, just by the picture?
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Jan 30, 2017
California, Inland Empire
Truth-telling or honesty is seen as a basic moral principle, rule, or value.

bash·ing /ˈbaSHiNG/
  1. violent physical assault.
    "nine incidents of gay bashing were reported to the police"
Bashing is a harsh, gratuitous, prejudicial attack on a person, group, or subject. ... In relation to non-physical bashing, the term is used to imply that a verbal or critical attack is similarly unacceptable and similarly prejudicial.
Theres Bruce


Jan 30, 2017
California, Inland Empire
Bashing is a harsh, gratuitous, prejudicial attack on a person, group, or subject. ... In relation to non-physical bashing, the term is used to imply that a verbal or critical attack is similarly unacceptable and similarly prejudicial.
Theres Bruce
A half-truth deceives the recipient by presenting something believable and using those aspects of the statement that can be shown to be true as a good reason to believe the statement is true in its entirety, or that the statement represents the whole truth.