I will say it again. There’s no way for a bag to quickly stick to meat if in fact it is not letting more air through. And my Understanding is that air and a bit of a crust is a good thing. Enough said In my opinion.
If cotton breathes better than synthetic why isn't it used in performance clothing that is designed to breathe?My expierence has been tag bags are light and easy to compact. But do not breathe any where as good as cotton.
I use both, depending on the circumstances. The hard part on the float hunt, is keeping the meat dry.
The service i used in 2017 for a moose float hunt was not to hip on tag bags. so it is not a new thing.
WE likely will have meat in bags 10 days before getting to a freezer. If it was a couple I wouldn't' start second guessing it.
If cotton breathes better than synthetic why isn't it used in performance clothing that is designed to breathe?
Kind of an oxymoron, no?
They are full of it, Tag bags are all I have used since moving back to Alaska in 2000 and I have lost zero meat to spoilage. I suggest taking 2 sets, that way you can swap them out while you are out in the field. I have never used citric acid or black pepper but I know Larry has and he swears by it. You can wash the Tag bags in a creek/river and they will dry in no time, which will allow you to keep clean bags on the meat. Larry has a video on proper meat care in the field and it is spot on.I've already purchased the TAG game bags for a 2021 float trip. I received an email from our transporter/ registered guild last week, stating that synthetic bags like TAGS would spoil the meat and strongly recommended cotton bags. He mentioned TAG by name. This is for a 12-day float Sept 5-17 so It could be warm and the meat could be in bags for 10 days or longer if pickup is delayed.
Also would citric acid or black pepper be worth putting on the meat?
Good point which I expected and is the actual underlying reason why I think synthetic bags are better.Gore-tex fabric breaths too.
It takes 10 seconds to blow thru an Allen Outfitter game bag then a synthetic and feel the difference. I use synthetics but "air circulation" isn't close.