Looking for a cot to use in my sawtooth. Ive been looking at quite a few and cant decide on one for comfort but to maintain some room. Not looking for one during backpacking I guess, more so the roadside camping. I use my airpad while backpacking. Ive used the shelter last year as a backpack and roadside tent. Seemed to work out great and like the idea of keeping my pad packed up when back at the vehicle. Just bust out the cot for a night or two. Also have a tag this year in north Dakota during the month of November. Hotels are not too close for the most part and would be nice to just sleep close to where im hunting. The stove will come in handy if the weather gets chilly. So heres where I am getting picky. Im 6-2 and finding a cot to fit on takes up a lot of space. Now add that I will probably be hunting with someone else.... seems like two large cots can eat up the room in a sawtooth pretty quick. Any suggestions and pictures? Might not need room for much gear if I am close to the truck. And the rest can be stowed under the cot if its high enough....few thoughts.