Cortina AR Hunter vs NextGen tuner brake?

Feb 12, 2014
I am considering a Cortina muzzle brake and would like to hear from those that have used both the AR Hunter, and the NextGen tuner brake. My application will be for .30 cal. and below and primarily for my 6.5 PRC. I am more interested in improving accuracy than recoil reduction.

Is there much of a tuning performance difference between the two?
I haven't used a tuner break, but would be interested in them for some things.

That said, I have used a number of breaks and comps on various guns, and there's 1 piece of experience I can offer: I won't use them on anything I hunt with, or may need in a self-defense emergency.

The hearing damage is real, and bad. Plus, I also think the muzzle blast of bigger cartridges through them can be as much of a factor as recoil anticipation in trying to shoot accurately.
The NextGen is the better brake for a bolt rifle simply for the extra port. The AR brake is designed for more mild cartridges found in AR's. Tuning wise they are identical in function and performance.

My two cents on tuners. They don't do anything that load dev doesn't. Where they do best is with factory ammo and rimfire guns. Two situations where you can't adjust the ammo and have to adjust something else in the system. If you do good load dev, it is difficult to see the effect of a tuner.
